Essay writing is the most common coursework that professors in the academy will require to submit. It can be short or long depending on the topic you are writing about. Short essays are most commonly introduced with words that should be composed of three paragraphs; one for introduction, the second paragraph is for the middle part and the third paragraph for the concluding section of the paper. Longer essays are written for technical subjects such as history, science and other educational fields. A word count of 1000 words and above are the minimum requirement for long essays.
Choose the topic of the essay to be written. Gather enough facts and sources of information for the content of the essay. Create an essay outline. Read related resources such as other essays and short stories that help unify the given task.
Follow the essay outline and improve through sentence construction. Write the thesis statement on the introduction and set the mood of the readers. Write clear, direct and simple sentences and glue together to form a strong supporting paragraph. Focus on the essay’s main idea.
Recheck if the essay has an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Check the grammar, punctuations, format and over-all sentence construction. Check the verb tenses and make sure the all subjects and verbs agree with each other. Ensure that each sentence of the essay makes sense.
Ask about general formats on the proper indention, paragraph lay-out and over-all presentation of the paper. Seek for someone to comment on the essay to help on improving the work.