One Team. One Plan. One Goal. A truly great college – passionate about success Linking London Event - July 2013
AIMS OF RPA: Ultimate goal is to reduce the number of NEETS Increase future earnings of young people by equipping them with the right skills for the working world Create more jobs with underpinning training
The National Context The competition for jobs places is high Mismatch - Job Opportunities vs. Skills The CSR and its’ implications New Funding methodologies & The Study Programme Increasingly competitive education environment Youth unemployment at 22%
The Local context - LBBD We have a population boom – highest pop. of 0 – 19 in UK Rising number of NEETs Growing number of 19 to 24 NEETs (Circa. 1,790) Low attainment levels: Level 3 qualified: 38% (L. Av is 56%) Child poverty rates amongst the highest High level of churn – rapidly changing demographic High local drop out rates from AS levels – 17 yr. olds Slow improvement rate in retention of young people
About BDC About BDC Extensive delivery to 16 to 18 yr. olds – 3500 A pure Vocational deliverer – no A levels London’s leading college in volume of 16 to 18 Apprenticeships Already deliver directly to 14 to 16 yr olds Extensive school links – taster programmes in skill areas A committed provider of entrepreneurship Outcomes are more than about obtaining a qualification Local employers regard BDC as a key and effective strategic partner
Challenges of RPA Keeping track of young people, locally…especially within London Getting to grips with the ‘unknowns’ Where does accountability and responsibility lie to enforce? – is it the young person/the parents/the guarding/the borough/the provider? In times of austerity – the delivery of a fully impartial IAG service at a local/pan-London level Providing high quality, effective training to support those in employment
What we see as opportunities A mechanism for encouraging greater collaboration - local providers Opportunity to recruit KS 4 learners Thus offer a more progressive & comprehensive pathway from 14 to 19 Developing link between STEM & entrepreneurship T-shape skills development help create economically independent learners A borough-wide incentive to create a comprehensive curriculum offer to meet needs of all, locally – partnership working Bring CEIAG in house Traineeships – links in with employers to offer sustained employment
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