Academic Affairs BOT Orientation 29 August 2011 Dr. Chula King Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ph.D. in Accounting from LSU CPA State of Florida Started at UWF as a student in the ‘70’s Member of the faculty of Accounting and Finance Chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance Current position for just under four years Who I Am 2
Organizational Chart 3
Medium-to-large sized Primary funding from state and student tuition Regional and vocational focus in mission Primarily undergraduate with select graduate programs leading to Master’s degrees, Specialist degrees, and a few doctoral degrees Applied research Moderate athletic opportunities Emphasis on teaching, scholarship and service Regional Comprehensive 4
Collegial decision-making process where input is shared among faculty, staff, students and administrators Key constituents have primary responsibility over decision making in certain areas Faculty primarily responsible for curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and those aspects of student life that relate to the educational process, e.g., Faculty Senate Students primarily responsible for devising policies relevant to student governance, e.g., SGA Shared Governance 5
Associate of Arts (3) Bachelor’s (52) Masters (25) Specialist’s (2) – Ed.S. Doctoral (1) – Ed.D. Degrees Offered 6
Business Education Science and Mathematics Communication Arts Psychology Computer Science Health Professions Engineering and Engineering Technology Arts & Humanities Social Sciences Primary Areas of Study 7
Headcount – Each individual student, regardless of the number of hours being taken Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Florida Undergraduate: 1 FTE = 40 Student Credit Hours (SCH) Graduate: 1 FTE = 32 SCH Rest of the Country Undergraduate: 1 FTE = 30 SCH Graduate: 1 FTE = 24 SCH Typical course – 3 SCH Enrollment Terminology 8
Exploring and Proposing Department, Dean, College, Faculty Senate, Provost, President, BOT Planning Formal Request to Implement New Degree Program Doctoral Level Department, Dean, College, Faculty Senate, Provost, President, BOT, BOG Below Doctoral Level Department, Dean, College, Faculty Senate, Provost, President, BOT Implementation – Dean’s responsibility Reporting – BOT at end of 1 and 3 years; 7 year program review Curriculum Process - New 11
Program Revision or Deletion Department Dean College Faculty Senate Provost President BOT Curriculum Process 12
Courses – CCR Process Department College Curriculum Committee Faculty Senate Provost President State Common Course Numbering Curriculum Process 13
Accreditation University: SACS Program, e.g., AACSB, ABET, NCATE, CSWE, CEPH, ACS ALC and ALP Content, Critical Thinking, Communication, Integrity Values, Project Management Program Reviews BOG Work Plan Annual Report Assessment of Quality 14
Questions ? 15