Planning Your Assignment Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will... - Identify what ‘planning’ means when tackling an assignment and its impact on marks - Examine the planning process, where a plan fits and when to do it - Offer some practical strategies and examples for the planning stage of writing.
The Plan… 1.The difference between planning an assignment and an assignment plan 2.The benefits of an assignment plan on your marks 3.Tips to help with the planning process
Activity 1: Assignment planning and developing a plan With a neighbour or in a small group, discuss your planning for a successful assignment. Jot down the planning process in the space below. Create a plan from one of the tasks you have just listed. Discuss your planning and plan with the broader group 1.Difference between Planning and A Plan
The Planning Process 1.Difference between Planning and A Plan
Definitions Planning is a process involving many stages which include the development of an assignment plan. Writing is a part of the process too. Every student has their own way of planning; even if they say they don’t, they do. An assignment plan is a stage in the planning process. It is a conscious ordering of your research material and notes into a coherent structure so your marker can follow your argument. 1.Difference between Planning and A Plan
Activity 3: What markers think is important 1Answering the question – analysing the question to break down exactly what is required of you will mean you provide the answers the markers are looking for (Stage 1 of the process) 2Understanding of the subject – identifying gaps in your notes and filling those gaps with research followed by organising all your notes will help you identify the key points in the subject (Stages 2-5 of the process) 3Clear point of view or ‘argument’ – when you know what is being asked of you, you can make a decision on your stance, whatever it may be. This will then be developed into your map or plan (Stages 1 and 6) 4Relevant information – This links to ‘understanding of the subject’ as you need to match the key points with relevant evidence (Stage 5) 5Clear structure and organisation – It does exactly what it says on the tin (Stage 6) 2. Benefits of Planning and a Plan
Plan your time Beware of too much planning Work when you work best Develop your argument as early as possible 3. Tips and Hints For Planning Your Assignment
Clanchy, J., and Ballard, B. (1992) How to Write Essays. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire Pty Ltd. Cottrell, S. (2013) The Study Skills Handbook. 4 th Ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Greasley,P. (2011) Doing Essays and Assignments. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Norton, L.S. (1990) Essay-writing: what really counts? Higher Education, vol. 20, pp Redman, P. (2006) Good Essay Writing. 3 rd Ed. London: Sage Publications Ltd. All visuals are from Clip Art References
Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23 What do we do? Support undergraduate students with their academic skills by running clinics and workshops, having bookable appointment slots, and enabling students to drop-in for Instant Action. Who are we? Michael and Helen specialise in Maths Support; Lucy and Russell advise students on study skills; and I (Louise) deliver the workshops When can you come for help? Everyday both face to face and on-line How do I get in touch? academic- or website skillsacademic-
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