Regardless of what you are marketing today the internet has opened up a whole new world of opportunity. But the way people now access the internet has changed and so has the way people use the internet. It has become a hive of user interactivity and an ever- growing forum for Business on a global scale like never seen before. Regardless of what you are marketing today the internet has opened up a whole new world of opportunity. But the way people now access the internet has changed and so has the way people use the internet. It has become a hive of user interactivity and an ever- growing forum for Business on a global scale like never seen before. Our aim is to inform, entertain and most importantly, connect the 30 million people of Indian origin living around the world with the 1.22 billion people of India; as well as other communities and nationalities around the world. Our aim is to inform, entertain and most importantly, connect the 30 million people of Indian origin living around the world with the 1.22 billion people of India; as well as other communities and nationalities around the world. We intend to create a long lasting and powerful global community network where the users are active participants. They will be able to post their own blog content, create public and private groups as well as participate in forums. There is a classified ads section and of course they will be able to add their videos and music playlists. We intend to create a long lasting and powerful global community network where the users are active participants. They will be able to post their own blog content, create public and private groups as well as participate in forums. There is a classified ads section and of course they will be able to add their videos and music playlists. Video streamed through ten individual channels will form the centre of the UITV content. UITV consists of ten independent channels: Video streamed through ten individual channels will form the centre of the UITV content. UITV consists of ten independent channels: News Movies Music Sports Culture & Arts Entertainment Lifestyle Business Travel and Tourism Social Networking
Become one of our Brand and Marketing Ambassadors Earn good commissions for every client your connect with UITV. Become one of our Brand and Marketing Ambassadors Earn good commissions for every client your connect with UITV. Connect your clients to UITV’s Business and Travel Channels If you are an advertising or marketing company, why not use our channels to provide your clients an effective global tool and you can earn money too. Connect your clients to UITV’s Business and Travel Channels If you are an advertising or marketing company, why not use our channels to provide your clients an effective global tool and you can earn money too. Buyer or seller? We are focused on connecting People, Organisations and Businesses. At UITV we are interested in your growth. No matter how big or small your business is we care and will do our very best to help you. Advertise on UITV and expose your company Globally. Buyer or seller? We are focused on connecting People, Organisations and Businesses. At UITV we are interested in your growth. No matter how big or small your business is we care and will do our very best to help you. Advertise on UITV and expose your company Globally. Travel and Tourism Companies Connect to new markets thus beating the recession trends in the tourism industry Travel and Tourism Companies Connect to new markets thus beating the recession trends in the tourism industry UITV is a great supporter of charity and cultural organisations. UITV will not only offer full access to these organisations to use its platform to connect with their members but also to broadcast their humanitarian work to the world thus getting new supporters from worldwide audiences. UITV is a great supporter of charity and cultural organisations. UITV will not only offer full access to these organisations to use its platform to connect with their members but also to broadcast their humanitarian work to the world thus getting new supporters from worldwide audiences.
Earn good commissions for every client you connect with UITV. Earn good commissions for every client you connect with UITV. Be associated with a Global company Be associated with a Global company Have total flexibility – create your own work schedule Have total flexibility – create your own work schedule Limitless income opportunity Limitless income opportunity Satisfaction - It is a deeply satisfying feeling to hold the reins to your own enterprise. Satisfaction - It is a deeply satisfying feeling to hold the reins to your own enterprise. Control - You decide which clients you will pursue Control - You decide which clients you will pursue Builds Self-Esteem - If you succeed, you did it because of your decisions and your efforts. Builds Self-Esteem - If you succeed, you did it because of your decisions and your efforts.
YES! YES! UITV will provide guidance along the way UITV will provide guidance along the way UITV will help you start on your road to success UITV will help you start on your road to success UITV will provide a personalised , all online brochures and documentation to assist in your campaigns UITV will provide a personalised , all online brochures and documentation to assist in your campaigns UITV can provide web banners, marketing material and other promotional elements on request UITV can provide web banners, marketing material and other promotional elements on request UITV’s management and technical teams in London and India are available and accessible via Skype and UITV’s management and technical teams in London and India are available and accessible via Skype and
Get in touch via Get in touch via We will send you the appropriate documentation to read and sign We will send you the appropriate documentation to read and sign Once approved, we will set up your s and send you the marketing material required Once approved, we will set up your s and send you the marketing material required That’s it! The rest is up to you – your destiny is in your hands! That’s it! The rest is up to you – your destiny is in your hands! We look forward in you becoming a part of UITV – A Global Internet Television Network
Church House, 1 Church Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1SG United Kingdom |