The Performance Learning Center ® College Readiness & Charting For Success (CFS) Arleen Peterson 703.518.2564


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Presentation transcript:

The Performance Learning Center ® College Readiness & Charting For Success (CFS) Arleen Peterson Empowering Students for a Lifetime of Success

PLC Student Transition & CFS Driving Question: What are the compelling reasons for making post- secondary options for our students a priority? How can Charting For Success help us promote post-secondary learning, and what will it take to implement this curriculum effectively?

 Personally identified  Strategically planned  Intentional & deliberate  Student driven, adult guided  PLC connected “A marketable skill to use upon graduation” CIS 4th Basic & Student Transition

A set of universal distinguishers evident in the design of all AHSI schools that provide a common design framework for development and assessment of our schools: 1.Authentic Learning, Teaching, and Performance Assessment 2.Personalized School Culture 3.Shared Leadership & Responsibility 4.Supportive Partnerships 5.Future Focus AHSI Distinguishers

College/Career Transition Planning Revised contracts with students & parents College readiness because college is a viable option Dual enrollment courses and credits Connections to the real world and funding to support job shadowing & internships Agreements with post- secondary institutions Funding to support post- secondary study (CIS Wal- Mart Foundation Scholars) PLC information sheet to submit with college applications System for communicating with students beyond graduation –Social networking Future Focus Formerly: Post-Graduation Preparation

Activity: Where can they shoot from? College Graduate High School Graduate High School Dropout

College Ready College Aware Contextual Skills and Awareness + College Eligible + College Prepared Habits of Mind Academic Knowledge and Skills Academic Behavior All students are aware of college as an option and of its importance All students take courses necessary for college entrance, and meet minimum requirements All students master necessary competencies for college level learning

2005 National Education Summit on High Schools In February 2005, Achieve and the National Governors Association co-chaired the National Education Summit on High Schools Forty-five governors, along with corporate CEOs and K–12 and postsecondary leaders. Addressed the fact that schools are not adequately preparing students for college and 21st-century jobs Reached the conclusion that aggressive action is needed to address the expectations gap. Launched the American Diploma Project (ADP) Network. Source: American Diploma Project, February 2008

Key Finding: Expectations are the same for both college & “good jobs” The knowledge and skills that high school graduates will need to be successful in college are the same as those they will need to be successful in a job that: pays enough to support a family well above the poverty level, provides benefits, and offers clear pathways for career advancement through further education and training Source: American Diploma Project, February 2008

Key Finding 2: Expectations Gap between High School & Postsecondary Academic standards in HS not aligned with Post secondary and workplace entry requirements HS graduation requirements too low HS assessments not meaningfully connected with students’ college or career aspirations RESULT: Students can earn a high school diploma without the skills necessary for success in college and work. Source: American Diploma Project, February 2008

American Diploma Project Network Policy Agenda Align high school standards with the demands of college and careers. Require students to take a college-and career-ready curriculum to earn a high school diploma. Build college-and career-ready measures into statewide high school assessment systems. Hold high schools and postsecondary institutions accountable for student preparation and success. Source: American Diploma Project, February 2008

Aligning Standards The goal is to align high school standards with the demands of college and careers so students can: Enter into credit-bearing course work in two or four year colleges, without the need for remediation and with a strong chance for earning credit toward their program or degree Gain entry-level positions in quality job and career pathways, which often require further education and training. Source: American Diploma Project, February 2008

Focus today: How can CFS help promote post-secondary learning and planning What will it take to implement CFS effectively in your school

Why Charting For Success??? Raise the graduation rate “The commission’s report was ominous…we were inadequately preparing students for the workforce and college…unless we made some changes, we were going to be in trouble…25 years later, we are again facing some of the same challenges.” Regarding The National Commission on Excellence in Education's report “A Nation at Risk, by US Sen. Richard Burr The Charlotte Observer, May 2, 2008 High schools need to change “Seven in 10 graduates said if they knew then what they know now, they would have worked harder in high school. Sadly, we can’t send them back…we can hear their voices and respond with innovations that will secure the futures of graduates to come.” by Tony Habit, president NC New Schools Project, The Charlotte Observer, June 24, 2007

Combining Experience and Research Charting For Success CIS Network Best Practices CIS National

Goals of CFS Engage students in planning and preparation for post- secondary trainingEngage students in planning and preparation for post- secondary training Increase the number of graduates ready for college and post secondary successIncrease the number of graduates ready for college and post secondary success Help students transition to post-secondary education by teaching parents and students the valuable link between high school and collegeHelp students transition to post-secondary education by teaching parents and students the valuable link between high school and college

Creating a College-Going Culture High expectations School environment Goal setting Skills development College exploration, Exposure, application Financing college Pod creation-positive peer cohort Parent involvement and education Cross-curricular involvement Scholarship search Acceptance & award letters

CFS - How it works Two modules for students to follow, 101 (9 th & 10 th) and 102 (11 th & 12 th )Two modules for students to follow, 101 (9 th & 10 th) and 102 (11 th & 12 th ) Each module contains 24 lessons, 12 lessons per semesterEach module contains 24 lessons, 12 lessons per semester Lessons designed to progressively build upon knowledge and experiences that lead to a prepared and informed transition into post-secondary choicesLessons designed to progressively build upon knowledge and experiences that lead to a prepared and informed transition into post-secondary choices Parent sessions and cross-curricular lessonsParent sessions and cross-curricular lessons

Career Exploration for ALL Students Career Interest Inventory Resume Writing (see semester 1) Portfolio Development Job Shadowing/Career Panels “Students who link expectation that college degree is essential to their desired career are 6x more likely to matriculate.” (Reclaiming the American Dream, 2006)

College Exploration Researching schools/programs of interest College tour preparation College tours to various types of campuses

Financing College/Financial Aid Assistance Assisting with search for private funds for college Providing information on and assistance with applying for federal and state funding (using FAFSA) Helping to navigate the award letter process

CFS Lesson Format PurposePurpose Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives Course LogisticsCourse Logistics –Time Frame –Materials Needed –Handouts –Additional Resources Lesson StepsLesson Steps Extensions/ModificationsExtensions/Modifications Important TermsImportant Terms Future PlanningFuture Planning ReferencesReferences

101- Semester Semester 2 1.How to be successful at the PLC 2.Intro to CFS: Preparing for the Journey 3.Individual Development Plans 4.Your State’s Mentor Site 5.Study Skills 6.Learning Your Style 7.Who Am I? 8.Career Interest Inventory 9.Career Exploration 10.Dress for Success 11.Communication Skills 12.Dress for Success, part 2I 1.Individual Development Plan- revisited 2.Job Shadowing Preparation 3.Job Shadow Day: Post Visit Reflection 4.Financial Basics 5.Budgeting 6.Lunch & Learn: Giving Back 7.Post High School Basics 8.Entrance & Placement Testing 9.Mock College Fair 10.College Visit Prep 11.Tour Debrief 12.Charting for a Successful Summer

102 - Semester Semester 2 1.How to be successful at the PLC 2.Intro to CFS: Preparing for the Journey 3.Individual Development Plans 4.Your State’s Mentor Site/Career Interest Inventory 5.Designing your Future 6.Finding your Field 7.Spring into Fall 8.Spring into Fall 2 9.Tour Time 10. College Entrance & Placement 11.Mock Admissions Review 12.Alumni Connection 1.Individual Development Plan- revisited 2.Finding Free Money 3.Preparing for Financial Aid Season 4.FAFSA Completion 5.Professional Communication 6.Job Shadowing 7.Credit Basics 8.Making your Admissions Decisions 9.College Financing 10.Portfolio Preparation 11.Portfolio Presentation 12.Making the Move: Transitioning to the Next Step

Parent Events 101 Parent Kick-offs Managing your Money Financing College Dress for Success Lunch & Learn 102 Parent Kick-offs College Admissions Timeline Alumni Connection Financial Aid Information Session FAFSA Completion

Cross Curricular Lessons Financial Literacy Survey (Math/Business) FDIC Money Smart Modules (Math/Business) Drafting Admissions Writings & Resumes (Language Arts) Post Secondary Application Completion (Language Arts) Financial Fitness for Life: What’s the cost of spending and saving? (Math/Business) Financial Fitness for Life: All about interest (Math/Business)

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” Henry David Thoreau

CFS helps to give tools to build the foundation on which their future success will stand. Through: Academic preparation Career exploration College research and exploration Life skill instruction CFS will prepare students for their next step.

Real world question: “What do we need to do to implement CFS in our school when we go back?” 1.Commitment to the cause 2.Organization!! -Set planning meeting dates -Designate a lead person -Revisit CFS regularly as individual and group 3.Creativity and flexibility 4.Collaboration and assistance

What Can the Local CIS Do? Purchase material/resources listed in the manuals (or get a $500 sponsor) Engage local colleges, technical schools, & military (mock college fair, campus visits, job shadowing, internships) Engage businesses & non-profits (job shadowing, sponsorship of lessons & events, portfolios)

What Can the Local CIS Do? Find ways to assist the AC in creating a college-going culture (find sponsors for college application fees, placement testing fees) Engage partners as panel members for student portfolio presentations, Lunch & Learns Publicize the parent events and provide incentives

Tools & Talents = Marketable Skills Charting For Success Curriculum + Students, CIS/PLC staff, parents/guardians, business & non-profit partners Springboard to Careers/College

Are they equipped for the climb?

PLC Student Transition & CFS Driving Question: What are the compelling reasons for making post- secondary options for our students a priority? How can Charting For Success help us promote post-secondary learning, and what will it take to implement this curriculum effectively?