INTEGRATED 3D TERRAIN VISUALIZER Assoc. Prof Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Lecturer Dept. of Biological & Agricultural Eng., Faculty of Engineering Head Spatial & Numerical Modelling Laboratory, Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia,, Serdang, UPM, Selangor D.E
As of April 2011 PATENT (COMMERCIALISATION) MALAYSIA PATENT - No: PI Filed On - 28 October 2010 Project Leader : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Co-reseachers: Ruzinoor Che Mat, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodzi Mahmud, Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan, and Dr. Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim. COPYRIGHT Copyright On - 19 January 2010
Product in CD form
Potential Flow of Runoff Water - helps in detecting the potential flow of the runoff water inside the plantation and allows for the proper planning of the drainage system. APPLICATIONS
Potential of Landslide Detection - with the latest information of terrain data and satellite image data, it will helps in detecting the potential landslide areas. APPLICATIONS
INFORMATION OF RESEARCH PRODUCT This system enables the visualization of 3D terrain in a web environment. The system is developed by integrating seven different types of software both GIS and non-GIS. This is a novel system that can help the users to visualize different terrains for a multitude of applications. End users can explore any terrain prior to the field visits. This system can help in environmental control, including visualization of direction of runoff water and aids Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), improve farm layout, boost tourism and assist the policy makers for future planning.
ADVANTAGES OF PRODUCT Online visualize terrain with different terrain rendering techniques. Ability to display terrain height changes for visual perception. Good walk through terrain ability.
BENEFIT TO THE SOCIETY/CURRENT ISSUE Visualization of potential flow of runoff water, nutrients or pesticides. Aids Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) decision making. Helps to view inaccessible areas, for example the visualization of watershed areas for small dam construction. Aid in the planning of proper drainage for plantations.
POTENTIAL MARKET All land, environmental and planning related companies are potential customers. Estimated market value at Euro 388 million covering 194 countries. Tourism industry including guidance for mobility impaired travellers. Internet digital map companies. Agriculture industries.
Source: National Science Foundation TARGET GROUPS Tourist and Any agencies in tourism industries. Any department in Agricultural Industries. Policy Makers.
COMPARISON WITH EXISTING PRODUCT Integrated 3D Terrain Visualizer Web Enabled 3D Vis. Shenkar and Harari (European patent ) Animated DEM Roche et al. (European patent 26059) visualizing 3D terrain in web based environment based on the integration of several function from non-GIS and GIS software presenting a perspective view of a real urban environment augmented with associated geo- coded content display on terminal device a process for producing a survey animated digital model for visualization of such things as planning developments. visualizing 3D terrain in web based environment in any environment only urban environmentanimated digital model for visualization in any environment involved contour data, DEM, TIN, land use image, and satellite image not mentionedinvolved stereoscopic photography, DTM, and orthophoto
Integrated 3D Terrain Visualizer Web Enabled 3D Vis. Shenkar and Harari (European patent ) Animated DEM Roche et al. (European patent 26059) visualizing the 3D terrain in different types of rendering technique which are color shading, texture overlaid, and satellite overlaid. visualize a plurality of 3D building models, terrain skin model and at least one street level culture model integration of digital terrain model data, orthophoto data, and the micro relief enhancement feature data. online environment offline (animated environment) jump to the location within the 3D terrain searching specific location within 3D model cannot do searching
AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENT RESEARCH AWARDS COMPETITIONS 1)Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi 2009 (PRPi 09), 28 July 2009, UPM. ( Gold Medal) 2)Malaysian Technology Expo 2010 (MTE 2010),4th – 6th February 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ( Gold Medal) 3)The Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation 2010 (INNOVA 2010), 20 November 2010, Brussel Belgium. ( Gold Medal)
AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENT Certifications on product/invention/innovation … Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 2009 (PRPi 09). Organized by the Research Management Centre (RMC) Universiti Putra Malaysia on 28 July For the invention of “Development of 3D Web Based Terrain Visualizer” Authors; Ruzinoor Che Mat, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, and Ahmad Rodzi Mahmud. (Gold Medal Certificate) Malaysian Technology Expo 2010 (MTE 2010). Organized by MARS at PWTC Kuala Lumpur on 4-6 February For the invention of “3D Web Based Terrain Visualizer”. Authors; Ruzinoor Che Mat, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, and Ahmad Rodzi Mahmud. (Gold Medal Certificate) The Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation 2010 (INNOVA 2010). Organized by Brussels Eureka at Brussel, Belgium on 20 November For the invention of “Integrated 3D Terrain Visualizer”. Authors; Ruzinoor Che Mat, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, Ahmad Rodzi Mahmud, Biswajeet Pradhan, and Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim. (Gold Medal Certificate)
A WEB BASED AGRICULTURAL DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND METHODS OF MANAGING THEREOF Assoc. Prof Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Lecturer Dept. of Biological & Agricultural Eng., Faculty of Engineering Head Spatial & Numerical Modelling Laboratory, Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia,, Serdang, UPM, Selangor D.E
A WEB BASED AGRICULTURAL DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND METHODS OF MANAGING THEREOF PATENTS (COMMERCIALISATION) MALAYSIA PATENT - No: PI Filed On - 6 December 2010 Copyright On : 18 February 2009 Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Co-researchers: Nik Norasma Che’ Ya, Ebrahim Jahanshiri, Prof Ir. Dr. Mohd Amin Mohd Soom, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodzi Mahmud, Dr. Siti Khairunniza Bejo, and Fauzul Azhan Abdul Aziz.
Product in CD form 20
In many research investigations of agricultural solutions, analyses of spatial and temporal variability in soil and yield data are performed with help from commercial software. However, it is difficult to handle and share such data as well as maintain such software, which requires an ongoing investment. In Malaysia, there is yet to be literature presented on farming data management. Some researchers in other countries have developed web based software that may be include costly and yearly renewal charges.
INFORMATION OF RESEARCH PRODUCT The invention provides information for precision farming techniques and for visualization of maps such as fertilizer map, soil series and so in a web environment. This Web Paddy GIS system was developed based on the integration of several open source software (GIS and non- GIS software) such as MapGuide Open SourceTM, MapGuide MaestroTM, PHPTM, MySQLTM, and ApacherTM. The output of the system consists of text and graphic information and maps with different themes such as fertilizer map, yield map, soil series map, boundary map, lot and point sampling maps.
23 These maps provide good visualization of the output information. This is a novel system that can help users access the information and visualize the map. End users can access the information easily and share their knowledge and experience through the online forum. This invention can help the users especially farmers, farm managers and also assist the policy makers for future planning.
ADVANTAGES OF PRODUCT Provide the precision farming technique in a web- based environment. Visualize the maps online. Provide the medium for user to communicate to each other through the forum. Provide maps of precision fertilizer recommendation at specific location to the farmers.
BENEFIT TO THE SOCIETY/CURRENT ISSUE Agricultural Industry/Worldwide GIS Industry/Worldwide
POTENTIAL MARKET Department of Agriculture (DOA) Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (MRSA) Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute( MARDI) Higher Learning Institution
Source: National Science Foundation TARGET GROUPS farmers, farm managers assist the policy makers for future planning.
Web Paddy GIS Map viewing, publishing, and provisioning system Singh, Raj R. et al. ( US Patent ) Method and system for agriculture data Collection and management Dolan et al. ( W0/2003/ ) Farming management system, farming Management device, farming management Method, computer progam, and recording medium Katsuyoshi ( W0/2008/ ) Provide information in paddy planting and visualize map via Internet Map viewing, publishing, and provisioning system A system and method for agricultural data collection and management A farming management system comprises a communication terminal carried by each farming worker, and a farming management unit installed in a farming management center. Using Open Source Use commercial software Not mention COMPARISON WITH EXISTING PRODUCT
Web Paddy GIS Map viewing, publishing, and provisioning system Singh, Raj R. et al. (US Patent ) Method and system for agriculture data Collection and management Dolan et al. (W0/2003/ ) Farming management system, farming Management device, farming management Method, computer progam, and recording medium Katsuyoshi (W0/2008/126261) Online environment Off line Only spatial dataProvide spatial and non spatial data relates to a system, program product and method for identifying, tracking and monitoring livestock. (non spatial) Non spatial data Fertilizer map No Fertilizer map
Web Paddy GIS Agricultural management system for providing agricultural solutions and enabling commerce Gupta (WO 01/75706 A1) Web-based interactive GIS system mapping analysis and methods of using thereof Ubalde et al. (US Patent: ) GIS and method for providing geographic information Kim (US Patent: ) Provide information in paddy planting and visualize map via Internet for providing agricultural solutions both technical and commercial for conducting e-commerce. A method, system and computer-readable medium for providing GIS data. provides each of a plurality of terminal apparatuses having a variety of display attributes. Farmer, farm manager and irrigation engineer Transaction between farmer, input company and input dealer No agriculture info, only mapping system via Internet
AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENT 1)Gold Medal Award: the Research Management Centre (RMC), Universiti Putra Malaysia at the Innovation and Research Exhibition (PRPi 08). For the invention of Web-Based GIS Decision Support System For PF. In: Product, Agricultural Cluster. 2)Gold Medal Award: the Malaysia Technology Expo 2009 (MTE 2009) Malaysia. For the invention of Web Precision Farmer. In: Agricultural Cluster. 3)Silver Medal Award: the International Trade Fair > Ideas-Inventions-News Products < on 5th – 7th November, 2009 ( iENA 2009). For the invention of Web Precision Farmer v2.5. In: Applied Research, Science, Technology and Engineering Cluster.
REAL TIME OIL PALM FRUIT GRADING SYSTEM Assoc. Prof Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Lecturer Dept. of Biological & Agricultural Eng., Faculty of Engineering Head Spatial & Numerical Modelling Laboratory, Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia,, Serdang, UPM, Selangor D.E
As of April 2011 PATENT (COMMERCIALISATION) MALAYSIA PATENT - No: PI Filed On - 30 November 2010 Project Leader : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Co-reseachers: Meftah Salem Alfatni, Prof. Dr. Mohd Zaid Abdullah, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hamiruce Marhaban, Dr. Suhaidi Shafie, & Dr. Mohd Din Amiruddin. COPYRIGHT Copyright On - 19 January 2010
35 Oil Palm Fruit Grading System GUI
INFORMATION OF RESEARCH PRODUCT The real time oil palm grading system is used for oil palm fruit bunch testing based on the training data models of samples which trained to the system early using different image processing techniques. the accuracy of the system results is based on:. The accuracy of training data source. The number of training samples. Illumination adjusting
BENEFIT TO THE SOCIETY/CURRENT ISSUE 1. Need an experience grader. 2. Time consuming. 3. Use many manpower. 4. Contact grading system (fruit bunch can be damage). 4. Argument between buyer and seller. 5. Critical for smallholder. SOLVES
AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENT RESEARCH AWARDS COMPETITIONS 1)Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi 2010 (PRPi 2010), July 2010, UPM. ( Gold Medal) 2) Malaysian Technology Expo 2011 (MTE 2011), February 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ( Silver Medal)