Understanding Stimulus Funding and Leveraging Philanthropy to Support Long-Term Education Goals A Webinar for the Foundation Community February 16, 2010 Charles P. Rose, General Counsel Judy Wurtzel, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Hosted by Foundation Center in partnership with the Forum of Regional Association of Grantmakers
Foundations for Education Excellence
ED Goals and Strategies ARRA Proposed Education Budget (2011) ESEA Reauthorization What Can Foundations Do to Drive Reform? Q & A 3 Webinar Roadmap
5 ~ $69 Billion in Awards + 400,000 Jobs 1.Standards & Assessments 2.Teacher Effectiveness & Equitable Distribution 3.Data systems 4.School turnarounds Spend Now to Save and Create Jobs Drive Education Reform American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Impact as of 1/30/10
Title 6 Teacher Incentive $200 M State Fiscal Stabilization $48.6 B Data Systems $250 M Ed Tech $650 M School Improvement $3 B Innovation Fund $650 M Race to the Top $4.35 B College & CareerK - 12 Early Learning Title I $10 B IDEA $12.2 B
RTT Phase I School Improvement Grants SEAs & LEAs Investing in Innovation (i3) Teacher Incentive Fund RTT Phase II Winter Spring 2010Summer
College AccessStudent aid serving nearly 15 million students Early Learning$8.9 billion in competitive grants over 10 years K-12 Reform$3 billion increase; $1 billion more if ESEA is reauthorized Promoting Innovation: $2.3B (+1.9B) School Turnaround: $900M (+350M) Excellent Instructional Teams: $3.9B (+350M) Supporting Student Success: $1.8B (+250M) Complete Education: $1.0B (195+M) 2011 Proposed Education Budget Highlights 8
9 ESEA Reauthorization: Overarching Themes Raise the Bar for all students, Close the Gap Tight on goals, loose on means Value effective teachers and leaders Focus on data for continuous improvement Develop cultures of innovation & excellence Recognize, reward, & bring success to scale Consolidation and competitive programs
No recognition for success Real rewards for schools, districts and states showing student growth and school progress “Race to the bottom” for state standards States adopt college- and career-ready standards Develop and support better assessments; fuller picture of school success Exclusive focus on tests Targets and meaningfully invests in lowest performing schools Over-identifies schools ESEA Reauthorization: Accountability Holding every level of the system responsible for improvement and support Exclusive focus at the school level NCLBReauthorization Proposal 10
Minimal focus on school leadership Major investment in preparing and supporting principals and other leaders Focus on evaluating, rewarding and retaining effective educators; and determining impact of professional development investments Focused on inputs, not what happens in the classroom Enforce equity plans and focus on broader measures of quality Equitable distribution requirements not meaningful NCLBReauthorization Proposal Not focused on building the profession Focus on instructional teams, collaboration and use of data for improvement ESEA Reauthorization: Teachers & Leaders 11 Minimal focus on teacher preparation Invest in high performing pathways
ED Investment and Policies are Spurring Advances in Key Reform Areas Reform AreaCurrent ED Focus Teachers & Leader Quality Performance-based systems of evaluation and reward Increased pathways into the profession Data Common data standards and definitions State longitudinal data systems Standards & Assessments Robust and efficient summative assessments School Turnaround Increased demand and operating funding for effective school turnaround models College Access & Success Reduced financial barriers to post-secondary 12
…Leaving “Gaps” to be Addressed… Reform AreaGaps Teachers & Leader Quality Selection, evaluation, and development systems validated against student achievement Preparation programs for turnaround leadership Improved HR systems and HR leaders Data Teacher, student and parent-friendly data systems to improve transparency, decision making, and practice Demand for data use Standards & Assessments Curricula aligned to new standards and assessments High-quality formative and interim assessments School Turnaround Improved scaling of school turnaround models Pipeline of qualified leaders and staff Community and student supports College Access & Success Higher-intensity and lower-cost student guidance and support 13
14 Role for Philanthropy Foundations are responsible for many education innovations government is now scaling. Opportunity for changing foundation roles: Supporting implementation Calling for reform Advancing research and data as part of continuous improvement Driving selective research FromTo Funding Demonstrations Capacity building in preparation for scaling
15 Role for Philanthropy, Continued Convening, Knowledge Development & Public Leadership Support Implementation & Capacity Building Support Implementation & Capacity Building Partner Locally, Regionally & Nationally to Scale Reforms
16 Concluding Remarks
17 Questions and Answers
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