Northern Virginia Workforce Development Board New Member Orientation An Introduction – July 2015
ORIENTATION AGENDA Overview of Northern Virginia Workforce Development Board (NVWDB) Vision, Mission, Goals (Strategic Plan) Overview of NVWDB Structure and Committees Overview of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Discussion – What are your individual interests in becoming part of the NVWDB and how can we help you pursue them? New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Strategic Planning Process The NVWDB conducts bi-annual strategic planning. Each Committee uses the strategic plan to drive their activities. A Planning Team made up of NVWDB members and stakeholders meets to take the information and frame the strategic approach the NVWDB will take over a 2 or 3 year period. Focused on Strategic Thinking to set Strategic Direction for the next 3 years (Strategic Plan) New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Strategic Planning Process The Planning Team meets over several months to complete a full strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis which includes an examination of the external environment, the organizational environment, and the regulatory environment. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Northern Virginia Workforce Development Board VISION We envision a vibrant business and workforce region that is globally competitive. From the Strategic Plan July 2014 through June 2016 New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Northern Virginia Workforce Development Board Mission To facilitate and enhance the employability of individuals seeking employment and employer access to a qualified workforce. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Value Proposition We are consultative in meeting businesses’ needs by creating a flow of ready and prepared potential workers; helping businesses envision and implement alternative workplace environments that enhance the ability of workers to be more effective in the workplace; and providing resources to support skills development for future and current workers. TAG LINE: We Help Northern Virginia Work. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Primary External CUSTOMERS Businesses Jobseekers (emerging, transitional, and incumbent) New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
NVWDB as Convener and Catalyst of the Workforce Development System Economic and Community Development Talent Development Education Workforce Development System New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Workforce System Key Functions The workforce system is the central element in bringing together resources and key players to begin to address challenges to our workforce. Source of funds, source of talented workers, and provider of direct services to both jobseekers and businesses. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Local Elected Officials Workforce Organizational Structure NVWDB as Policy Body with 501(c)(3) as Operating Arm SkillSource Group, Inc. Board of Directors SkillSource Operations Centers Affiliates NVWDB Local Elected Officials New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
FUNCTIONS NVWDB SkillSource Group, Inc. Policy setting Provide direction to Committee work Oversight of WIA Conduct Quality Assurance oversight visits as deployed by staff Identify opportunities SkillSource Group, Inc. Implement NVWDB policies Staff Committees Conduct oversight responsibilities, e.g., monitoring Fundraising – write proposals; create opportunities Administration of WIA grant New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
NVWDB STRUCTURE: Standing Committees Executive Committee All officers and Committee Chairs Design Team Committee Leadership Team Committee Policy Council Program Planning Committee Quality Assurance Committee Youth Committee New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
SkillSource Center Locations New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Workforce Development System Evolution Siloed Programs and Funding Sources Collection of Agencies Integrated System of Services New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) It amends the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to strengthen the United States workforce development system through innovation in, and alignment and improvement of, employment, training, and education programs and promotes individual and national economic growth. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
WIOA Overview Broad vision of workforce programs: reaffirms ongoing role of American Job Centers and also requires coordination and alignment of key employment, education, and training programs. Promotes program alignment at the Federal, State, local, and regional levels. Builds on proven practices such as sector strategies, career pathways, regional economic approaches, work-based training. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
System Intent WIOA funds are central to building the system infrastructure (one stop center and services) Intended to leverage and coordinate the existing resources of the ‘core’ partners Build and provide a talent supply chain to meet regional workforce needs Convene stakeholders (e.g., education, business, economic development) to solve systemic workforce challenges (e.g. skills gap, hard to fill jobs, etc) New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Changes The Law went into effect July 1, 2015. It contains new provisions for Workforce Services and Adult Education as part of a comprehensive national employment/education/training strategy. Requires common metrics across 4 core programs New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
KEY THEMES Alignment and unification among ‘core programs’ Career pathways Industry sector partnerships Services to employers Regionalization Use of evidence based, best practice research Access for those with disabilities Using integrated technology for alignment, access, and management New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Core Programs The Law Identifies 4 Core Programs: Workforce Development Activities for Adults, Dislocated Workers and Youth (Title I) Adult Education and Literacy (Title II) Wagner – Peyser (Title III) Vocational Rehabilitation (Title IV) New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Promotes Accountability and Transparency WIOA ensures that Federal investments in employment and training programs are evidence-based and data-driven, and accountable to participants and tax-payers. Core programs and other authorized programs are required to report on common performance indicators Eligible training providers are required to provide data on performance outcomes for all students in a training program. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Required Outcome Measures Performance Indicators % of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program; % of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program; the median earnings of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program; New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Performance Indicators (continued) % of program participants who obtain a recognized postsecondary credential, or a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during participation in or within 1 year after exit from the program; % of program participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skill gains toward such a credential or employment; and the indicators of effectiveness in serving employers established by the Secretaries of Education and Labor New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Functions of the Local Board in the Act Eleven functions designated in the Law: Develop and submit a local plan to the Governor Conduct workforce research and local labor market analysis Convening, brokering and leveraging Employer engagement Career Pathways development (youth and adults) Proven and promising practices - identify and promote proven and promising strategies and initiatives for meeting the needs of employers, and workers and jobseekers New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Functions of the Local Board Technology - the local board shall develop strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce development system for employers, and workers and jobseekers Conduct program oversight Negotiation of local performance measures Selection of operators and providers Coordination with education providers New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Improves American Job Center System WIOA increases the quality and accessibility of services that job seekers and employers receive at their local AJCs. States will establish criteria to certify AJCs at least every 3 years to ensure continuous improvement, access to services (including virtual services), and integrated service delivery. Key programs and services will be available at AJCs Wagner-Peyser Employment Service is required to co-locate at AJCs. TANF is a new AJC required partner. States/local areas will integrate intake, case management, and reporting systems, including fiscal and management accountability systems. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Improves American Job Center System AJC partner programs are required to dedicate funding for infrastructure and other shared costs. DOL is required to implement a common identifier for the workforce system. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Enhances Workforce Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers WIOA ensures that unemployed and other job seekers have access to high-quality workforce services. WIOA provides “career services” and training services Local areas can transfer up to 100% of funds between Adult and Dislocated Worker programs. Local areas can use up to 20 percent of their Adult and Dislocated Worker program funds for incumbent worker training programs. Job seekers who are basic skills deficient, in addition to those who are low-income individuals, have priority for services for the Adult program. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Improves Services to Employers and Promotes Work-based Training WIOA contributes to economic growth and business expansion by ensuring the workforce system is job-driven – matching employers with skilled individuals. State/local boards are responsible for activities to meet workforce needs of local and regional employers. State/local boards will promote use of industry and sector partnerships to address workforce needs of multiple employers within an industry. Local areas can use funds for proven work-based strategies, including incumbent worker training, Registered Apprenticeship, transitional jobs, on-the-job training, and customized training. There are increased reimbursement rates for employers for on-the-job and customized training. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Provides Access to High Quality Training WIOA helps job seekers acquire industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs. Training that leads to industry recognized post- secondary credentials is emphasized. States/local areas will use career pathways to provide education and employment and training assistance to accelerate job seekers’ educational and career advancement. Local areas have additional procurement vehicles for training to increase customer choice and quality: individual training accounts, pay for performance contracts, and direct contracts with higher education. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Makes Key Investments for Disconnected Youth WIOA prepares vulnerable youth for successful employment through increasing use of proven service models. Local areas must increase percentage of youth formula funds used to serve out-of-school youth to 75% from 30% under WIA. Local areas must spend at least 20% of youth formula funds on work experience activities such as summer jobs, pre- apprenticeship, on-the-job training, and internships so that youth are prepared for employment. Eligibility criteria are changed for the youth formula program: In school youth are ages 14-21 and out of school year are ages 16-24. 5 new program elements to the youth formula program. Additional allowable activities include financial literacy education and entrepreneurial skills training. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Potential Areas of Opportunity Strategic Alignment, Unified Planning, Regional Planning Improving One Stop Delivery Procurement for one stop operator Services to Adult and Dislocated Workers Priority of services, no longer income criteria alone Discussion Services to Youth Disconnected, up to 24, 75% of funds on OYS Alignment to Adult Basic Education – Title II New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
System Governance: State to Local Governor State Workforce Development Board 15 Local Workforce Investment Areas (LWIAs) in the Commonwealth of Virginia New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
15 WORKFORCE BOARDS IN VIRGINIA New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
System Governance: Local Workforce Areas Governor State WIB Local Workforce Investment Area Chief/Local Elected Official Fiscal Agent Designee (The SkillSource Group, Inc.) Local WIB (NVWDB) Youth Committee Youth Services One-Stops and Affiliate Site Adults/Dislocated Workers Services New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
Northern Virginia Workforce Investment Board’s Four Core Businesses Provision of workforce services to businesses and jobseekers through full service and affiliate One-Stops Collect data and create workforce intelligence. Certification for Organizational Quality – providing a license to display the SkillSource logo to both funded and non-funded organizations. Fostering partnerships and community awareness. Web site: New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
GUIDE TO WORKFORCE ACRONYMS ADA Americans with Disabilities Act CBO Community Based Organization CLEO Chief Local Elected Official DOE Department of Education DW Dislocated Workers ETA Employment and Training Administration (US Department of Labor) FBO Faith Based Organizations GED General Education Development ITAs Individual Training Accounts LEO Local Elected Official NAWB National Association of Workforce Boards NEG National Emergency Grant New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
GUIDE TO WORKFORCE ACRONYMS LMI Labor Market Information LWA Local Workforce Area NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement OJT On the Job Training TAA Trade Adjustment Assistance TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TJTC Targeted Jobs Tax Credit USDOL United States Department of Labor UI Unemployment Insurance VEC Virginia Employment Commission VCCS Virginia Community College System WIA Workforce Investment Act WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates
About Strumpf Associates Lori Strumpf is president and founder of Strumpf Associates: Center for Strategic Change (CSC), a firm dedicated to facilitating organizational change in public organizations. The Center’s practice is focused on change management consulting in state and local organizations. The primary focus of the company is on organizations that contribute to community development. The firm is dedicated to the vision of developing quality in public service and community based organizations. SA works nationwide as an organizational change consultant, helping public institutions and multi-agency initiatives incorporate, merge, develop boards, and transform organizations to quality managed workplaces. SA provides technical assistance on how to design and implement quality youth and adult programs that move individuals into training, post secondary education and jobs. Strumpf Associates has assisted over 400 local Workforce Investment Boards develop one stop service delivery systems, improve practices with regard to delivering services to employers, and developing quality data collection and analysis systems that lead to data-driven decision making. New Member Orientation 2015 Prepared by Strumpf Associates