March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan1 Jim Siegrist, Bill Barletta, James Symons March 27, 2003 By Peggy McMahan, Gerry Abrams and GS Workplace Committee
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan2 The Current GS Profile for Physicists Percentage of women/minorities physicists in the General Sciences Female/MinorityAvailabilityLabwide Representation Division Representation Female Minority (Total) Black Hispanic * Asian Native American * Not the Hispanics one might typically have expected (the Luis Alvarez effect).
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan3 FY02 Issues & Goals The issues we needed to address in FY02 were issues of awareness, recruitment and workplace environment. Our goals to address these issues were: To raise awareness among GS staff of the many topics making up the concept of diversity in the workplace. To improve the recruitment of female and under- represented minorities within the scientific and technical staff by increasing the pool through focused Education & Public Outreach (EPO) efforts. To improve the workplace environment for all members of the GS community, including matrixed staff.
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan4 FY02 Accomplishments The GS Workplace Committee, working closely with the GS HR staff, developed explicit diversity awareness expectations for scientific supervisors. Developed and distributed General Sciences descriptive brochure. Identified and placed 4 women/minority undergraduate students in summer research jobs. Created a Research Partnership Program for faculty and students from minority serving institutions. Succeeded in identifying and placing a Black postdoc in the SNAP program. Larry Gladney, black physicist from Penn, will take his sabbatical year at LBNL beginning this fall.
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan5 FY02 Accomplishments (con’t.) Developed a Leadership Training Program directed towards strengthening supervisory skills in diversity/civility issues; 1/3 of GS scientific supervisors are currently participating. Colette Gooch of GS HR developed a full plan for a GS ombuds office. The idea, the plan and the excitement proved irresistible - a Lab-wide roll-out of an ombuds program was devised by Jane Baynes working with Harry Reed in the WFDO. However… The budget proved resistible - the ombuds proposal withered on the priority vine.
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan6 FY03 Plan We continue to focus on the issues and goals addressed in previous years. Diversity Awareness EPO & Recruitment Workplace Environment
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan7 FY03 Plan: Awareness Invite each Group Leader, head and search chair to one meeting of the Workplace Committee Organize two colloquia this year on diversity issues Develop, with management and HR, expectations for supervisors to further diversity awareness Continue to make available to scientific supervisors the Leadership training module with at least half of our supervisors trained this year Provide continuing program to support existing supervisor’s diversity training
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan8 FY03 Plan: EPO/Recruitment Open research opportunities to underserved communities by working with faculty in local community colleges Community College Open House directed towards technical positions will take place this spring. Develop a brochure to encourage students to apply for the ERULF at LBNL and send it to Physics Departments at minority and women’s universities Coordinate the GS recruitment of undergraduates for summer jobs with at least four positions offered to students from women and minority serving institutions Explore funding opportunities to have a Nuclear Science Workshop for Navajo teachers in the Summer of 2003
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan9 EPO/Recruitment (con’t.) Create internships for undergraduate students and research partnerships with faculty from women’s and minority institutions with the goal that each GS division recruit at least one faculty for this summer. Physics Division will host Prof. Ali Fazely, Southern University Develop relationships with Bay Area colleges and universities to foster faculty partnerships and student internships. Send at least one scientist from each GS division to visit minority serving and women’s institutions which might provide potential faculty partners and student interns. Physics scientist attended Society of Black Physicist Conference in February to meet with potential partners
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan10 EPO/Recruitment (con’t.) Establish four scholarships annually to the US Particle Accelerator school to be awarded in collaboration with professional associations representing minority group physicists Work with the UCB Physics Department to develop joint efforts to recruit a more diverse graduate student body. Formalize advertising and search procedures to promote diverse hires. Initiate a quantitative assessment of success with undergraduates by tracking their progress. Explore organizing EPO advocates in GS, to coordinate and to provide a forum
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan11 Workplace Environment Publicize career development opportunities relevant to LBNL staff, e.g. on the Cal campus, and provide resources for matrixed employees who wish to take advantage of these opportunities. Publish a GS newsletter twice a year to keep the GS community aware and informed of our diversity efforts, opportunities, etc. Assist management and HR in efforts to establish an ombudsoffice at LBNL. Design a pilot mentorship program for new employees.
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan12 (Our) Best Practices Use of Lab-wide resources CSEE for educational outreach (esp. Rollie Otto) LBNL Diversity Office for guidance and perspective (Harry Reed) Public Affairs office for coordination and guidance (David McGraw) [Unfortunately terminated with the end of David’s reign.] Eager anticipation for the new Best Practices Council Active engagement of GS HR office Plan for creation of a pilot program for GS ombuds office (Colette Gooch) Close coordination between HR and Workplace Committee. Program Initiatives Faculty/student research partnerships Extensive leadership training for scientific supervisors
March 27, 2003General Sciences FY03 Diversity Plan13 Areas for Improvement Increase coordination amongst divisional diversity committees (hopefully will be accomplished with the coming Best Practices Council). HR is working on the difficulty of assessing the pool of candidates for women and minority applicants. Self- identification of ethnicity is voluntary and therefore not often known. We are finding that many of our goals require a large and sustained effort for success. We should benchmark our efforts with respect to similar institutions.