OBJECTIVE To find a job that will allow me to apply myself and my skills to their fullest. Also to be able to advance my knowledge, my skills, and my position within a business.
Education George Washington High School Danville, VA Advanced Diploma Technology Eddie Award Honor Roll Honor Graduate Significant Classes Architectural Drawing, Engineering Drawing, Networking, Materials and Processes, Intro. to Engineering, and Principles of Technology
Education Danville Community College Danville, VA 2007-Present Dual Major General Engineering And Drafting and Design Significant Classes Board Drafting, Machine Shop, Intro. To Engineering Technology, and AC/DC Fundamentals
Volunteer Experience World Changers 5 years A Southern Baptist Association volunteer service that lets people go different places to help people in need. Usually with house repair and also spreading the good news in the bible. Eagle Eyrie 5 Years Summer Camp where youth go to have a Christian retreat. Volunteer service is provided by older youth, which can include yard work, house repairs, and community service. Key Club 3 Years Student Organization of the larger Kiwanis Club, which provides Community Services
Summer Jobs Lawn Care Provider Don JoJack’s Lawn Care 2003-Present Provided customers with needed lawn maintenance, and other landscaping needs.
Extracurricular Activities GWHS FIRST Robotics Team 1598 Latin Club Key Club GWHS FIRST Robotics Booster Club Member
Hobbies Hunting FishingPaintballGolf Target Shooting Camping Archery Minor Gunsmithing
References Ronnie Montgomery 2201 Franklin Turnpike Danville, VA (434) Alan Burchette 737 Lanier’s Mill Road Danville, VA (434) Baxter Keesee 400 Northmont Blvd. Danville, VA (434)
Contact Information 622 York Place Danville, VA Phone (434)