1 st Year (30 Cre dits ) 2 nd Year (60 Cre dits ) Clear Path/Program of Study – HHP: Dietetics, B.S. 3 rd Year (90 Cre dits ) 4 th Year (120 Cre dits ) Spring SemesterHrs Rhetoric & Writing II3 Fine Arts & Humanities: Literature3 MATH 2100: Introductory Statistics/Approved Statistics Course 3 NUTR 1450: Principles of Human Nutrition (Prerequisite: Math ACT subscore of 22 or higher or USTU 1050 or MATH 1130, 1710, 1720, 1830, 1910, or 1920) 3 CHEM 1120/1120L: General Chemistry II (Prerequisite: CHEM 1110/1110L “C” or better, MATH 1130) 4 Total16 Fall SemesterHrs Fine Arts & Humanities: Thoughts, Values & Beliefs3 NUTR 3340: Life Cycle Nutrition (Prerequisite: NUTR 1350 or NUTR 1450) 3 ECHD 3400: Family Interactions or SOC 1510: Sociology3 CHEM 3010/3010L: Organic Chemistry I (Prerequisite: CHEM 1120/1120L “C” or better; Can complete in summer if you prefer not to take 2 sciences in 1 semester.) 4 Total13 Spring SemesterHrs Complete the Didactic Program Application by March 1 – available on your MyMocs account by January 31st CHEM 3020/3020L: Organic Chemistry II (Prerequisite: CHEM 3010/3010L “C” or better) 4 BIOL 2100/2100L: Microbiology & Health (Prerequisite: CHEM 1110/1110L) 4 Non-Western Culture3 NUTR 2210: Introduction to Nutrition & Dietetics (Prerequisite: NUTR 1450) 1 Fine Arts & Humanities: Visual & Performing Arts3 Total15 Fall SemesterHrs BIOL 2080/2080L: Human Physiology (Corequisite: CHEM 1110/1110L) 4 NUTR 3260/3260L: Science of Food (Prerequisite: CHEM 1110/1110L, CHEM 1120/1120L, NUTR 1450; Dietetics majors only) 4 NUTR 4320: Food Systems Administration I (Prerequisite: NUTR 1450; Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 3330: Food & Culture (Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 3270: Nutrition Education Principles & Practice (Prerequisite: NUTR 1450; Dietetics majors only) 2 Total16 Spring SemesterHrs NUTR 3360: Community Nutrition (Prerequisite: NUTR 3340; Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 3380: Sports Nutrition (Prerequisite: NUTR 1350 or NUTR 1450 and BIOL 2080/2080L or HHP 2300) 3 NUTR 4330: Quantity Food Service (Prerequisite: NUTR 3260 and NUTR 4320; Includes practicum in a foodservice facility; Dietetics majors only) 3 BIOL 2060/2060L Functional Human Anatomy4 ELECTIVE (choose any 3000 or 4000 level course) 3 Total16 Fall SemesterHrs NUTR 3370: Advanced Nutrition I (Prerequisite: BIOL 2080; Pre/Corequisite: CHEM 4510; Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 4370: Medical Nutrition Therapy I (Fall semester only; Prerequisite or Co requisite: NUTR 3370; Corequisites: NUTR 4350 AND NUTR 4360; Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 4350: Motivational Interviewing and Counseling Lab (Corequisite: NUTR 4360 and NUTR 4370; Dietetics majors only) 2 NUTR 4360: Nutrition Assessment Lab (Corequisite: NUTR 4350 and NUTR 4370; Dietetics majors only) 1 NUTR 4210: Senior Seminar (Prerequisite: Senior standing in Dietetics) 1 CHEM 4510: Biochemistry (Prerequisite: CHEM 3020/3020L "C" or better“) 3 Total13 Spring SemesterHrs NUTR 4220: Maternal and Child Nutrition (Prerequisite: NUTR 3340; Dietetics majors only) 2 NUTR 4240: Nutrition for the Older Adult (Prerequisite: NUTR 3340; Dietetics majors only) 2 NUTR 4340: Foodsystems II (Pre/Co requisite: NUTR 4330; Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 4380 : Advanced Nutrition II (Prerequisite: NUTR 3370; Dietetics majors only) 3 NUTR 4390/4390L: Medical Nutrition Therapy II (Prerequisite: NUTR 4370; Dietetics majors only) 4 NUTR 4260: Sustainability of Foodsystems (Prerequisite: NUTR3260; Dietetics majors only) 1 Total15 This tool is provided to you only as an aid for planning your courses. However, the student is responsible for checking the most updated pre-/co-requisite courses and course availability on the UTC catalog and take them in the correct order. Didactic Program Requirements: Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above out of 4.0, no NUTR course grade lower than a B, a science GPA of 2.8 or above out of 4.0, and no other course grade lower than a C. Complete General Education and Cognate Foundation courses, indicated below in bold, before submitting Didactic Program Application on March 1st. Complete list of requirements is available from the UTC website (from utc.edu, click “Academics & Majors”, then “Academic Departments”, then “Health & Human Performance”, then “Concentrations & Programs”, and, finally, “Dietetics”). Fall SemesterHrs Rhetoric & Writing I3 MATH 1130: College Algebra or Equivalent3 Fine Arts & Humanities: Historical Understanding3 CHEM 1110/1110L: General Chemistry I4 PSY 1010: Introductory Psychology3 Total16