A Career Profile on... Teachers by Mrs. Blakely
Career Field Humanitarian: loves to help people improve their lives.
Personality Type (Dr. Holland) Social (helper): Must get along well with others and enjoy being around people.
Values Required Education. Hard work. Helping people. Good morals. Patriotism.
Duties and Responsibilities Teach students new information and new skills. Keep the classroom under control. Plan lessons. Prepare materials for teaching. Type assignments, handouts, policies, rules, etc. Keep parents informed of their student’s progress.
Duties and Responsibilities (continued) Grade assignments and tests. Record scores. Take attendance. Help students before and after school. Attend faculty meetings. Go to workshops and classes to improve teaching.
Work Environment Indoor. Somewhat air-conditioned. Half sitting; half standing. Clean and orderly. Overtime required, but not paid. Fairly safe. Sometimes stressful (if kids are bad).
Working Hours 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. 9 months of the year. Extra time sometimes required. All holidays, evenings, and weekends off.
Aptitudes and Abilities Required Social. Intelligence. Creative. Analytical. Organized.
Education and Training Required High school diploma. Bachelor’s degree in a certain subject (4 years). Student teaching. Teaching license. Extra classes or college credits to stay certified.
Data-People-Things Relationship PEOPLE is the biggest part of my job. DATA includes keeping attendance, doing grades, reading subject material, planning lessons. The main THINGS I use are computers.
Salary Start at $24,000 per year in Nebo School District. Pay increases 3% most years. Earn more if you continue your education.
Benefits Better than any other profession! Medical insurance. Good retirement. Paid sick days, maternity leave, and personal leave. SUMMER’S OFF!
Career Outlook There will always be a need for teachers as long as people keep having kids! Almost anywhere I move I can get a job. Technology will never take the place of teachers; it might change teaching, but humans will always be needed.
People I know who are teachers My sister, Bobbie (Provost Elem. 2 nd grade teacher). My Grandpa Wood (Millard High typing teacher). My Aunt Helen (UVSC business teacher) My Aunt Gwen (Fillmore Elem. speech therapist). My Uncle Mike (Delta Middle School English teacher). My Aunt Norma (Fillmore Elem. 1 st grade teacher). My sister-in-law, Diane (2 nd grade teacher in California).
Famous Teachers Mr. Holland ( Mr. Holland’s Opus ). Miss Beatle ( Little House on the Prairie ). Mr. Kotter ( Welcome Back, Kotter ). Mr. Chips ( Goodbye, Mr. Chips ) Madeline Albright (U.S. Secretary of State) Newt Gingrich (U.S. Speaker of the House) Ted Wilson (SLC mayor)
Why I personally like this career It’s fun to be around lots of people everyday. I love to help people. I love to see students master a subject. It is challenging and satisfying. It is fun to be the “boss” of people. It makes me laugh everyday: 8 th graders are the funniest people in the world!
If I weren’t a teacher, I’d be a... Small business owner, Secretary, or a Nurse.
A Pitch for Teaching Teachers make all other jobs possible. To teach is to touch lives. Teachers touch the future. Teachers have class. Those who can, do. Those who can do more, TEACH! Teaching is the best job in the world!