1 April 15th, 2015 Boyd High School Cafeteria
Welcome Introductions Graduation plan options Endorsements GPA/Ranking Process Questions/Concerns 2
Foundation Plan STAAR Testing
High school students have the opportunity to graduate on: Foundation Plan with Endorsements- Encouraged 26 Credits Foundation Plan 22 Credits 5
Each student selects (in writing) an endorsement This will be done at registration with student and parent. The student and their parents are advised of the benefits of graduating on the Foundation Plan with Endorsements Please choose at least two different endorsement presentations after this meeting to obtain more information. Endorsements can be changed at any time; however, this is not encouraged. 6
May move to the Foundation Plan without Endorsements after their 10 th Grade year- NOT ENCOURAGED Parent/Guardian along with student must meet in person with the counselor to go over certain requirements, and must give written permission to move to the Foundation Plan Please note that by graduating on the Foundation Plan w/o an endorsement, will not allow your student to qualify for the top 10% of their class, nor will they be guaranteed to be able to attend a 4 year university. 7
ELA – 4 credits Math – 3 credits Algebra II not required Social Studies – 3 credits Science – 3 credits Foreign Language – 2 credits Fine Arts – 1 credit Physical Education – 1 credit 5 Elective Credits 8
Arts & Humanities STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Business and Industry Public Services Multidisciplinary Studies 9
A total of 5 social studies courses: World Geography- Freshmen U.S. History/AP U.S. History- Sophomore (*STAAR test) World History/AP World History- Junior Government/Economics- Senior Sociology- Optional Junior year through DC Psychology- Optional Junior year through DC 10
Four levels of the same language in a language other than English: Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III Honors Spanish IV Honors A coherent sequence of four credits by selecting courses from one or two categories or disciplines in fine arts: Band I-IV Theatre Arts I-IV Art I-IV 11
A total of five credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and two additional mathematics courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite: Pre-Calculus PAP- Junior AP Calculus- Senior A total of five credits in science by successfully completing Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and two additional science courses: AP Biology- Senior Environmental Systems- Senior Environmental Biology DC- Senior Anatomy & Physiology- Junior or Senior 12
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources: Welding Principles of Agriculture Agriculture Mechanics & Metal Technologies Agricultural Facilities Design & Fabrication Agricultural Power Systems Practicum in AFNR Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources: Floral Design Principles of Agriculture Principles & Elements of Floral Design (Art Credit) Horticulture Science Advanced Plant & Soil Science 13
Arts, Audio/Video Technology, & Communications: Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Audio Video Production Advanced Audio/Video Production Practicum in Audio/Video Production Information Technology: Principles of Information Technology Computer Maintenance Tele-communications & Networking Computer Technician 14
Business Management and Administration: Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance Touch System Data Entry Business Information Management I Business Information Management II Practicum in Business Management 15
Human Services: Principles of Human Services Nutrition Child Development Child Guidance Practicum in Human Services 16
Four advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the workforce successfully or postsecondary education without remediation from within one endorsement area or among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence. Four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and Chemistry and/or Physics. Four credits in advanced placement, or dual credit selected from English, mathematics, science, social studies, economics, languages other than English, or fine arts. 17
26 Credits Foundation Plan plus the following: 4 th Math Course 4 th Science Course Endorsement Area Coursework 18
A student may earn a Distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: A total of four credits in mathematics, which must include Algebra II A total of four credits in science The remaining curriculum requirements The curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement A student must earn Distinguished level of Achievement to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission. 19
A student may earn a Performance Acknowledgement on their diploma and transcript for outstanding performance in any ONE of the following six areas: In bilingualism and biliteracy – by demonstrating proficiency in two or more languages by: Completing all English language arts requirements and maintaining a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 80 or above on a scale of 100, And satisfying one of the following: Completion of a minimum of three credits in the same language in a language other than English with a minimum GPA of 80. Demonstrated proficiency in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Level IV or higher in a language other than English with a minimum GPA of 80. Demonstrated proficiency in one of more languages other than English through the following method: Performance on a national assessment of language proficiency in a language other than English of at least Intermediate High or its equivalent In addition to meeting the requirements to earn a performance acknowledgement in bilingualism and biliteracy, an English language learner must also have: Participated in and met the exit criteria for a bilingual or English as a second language (ESL) program; and Scored at the Advanced High level on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) 20
In dual credit courses - by successfully completing at least 12 hours of college academic courses with a grade of 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.0 in each course. Earning a score of 3 or above on a College Board Advanced Placement examination Earning a score on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) that qualifies the student for recognition as a commended scholar or higher by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation Achieving the college readiness benchmark score on at least two of the four subject tests on the ACT-PLAN examination. Earning a combined critical reading and mathematics score of at least 1250 on the SAT examination. Earning a composite score of 28 on the ACT examination (excluding the writing subscore). 21
Number of exams reduced from 15 to 5: Algebra I English I English II U.S. History Biology
Remediation Based on a student’s test scores from the previous year, students could be placed in STAAR remediation classes in order to ensure a student is more successful on the retake. Remediation must be provided for any student that fails a state exam. May require participation outside of normal school hours and year.
What will be included: All courses that fall under the following categories: English Math Science Social Studies Foreign Language 24
For each Pre-AP/Honors course a student takes, 5% of their final semester grade will be added to the final grade for that semester for ranking purposes. For each AP/Dual Credit course a student takes, 10% of their final semester grade will be added to the final grade for that semester for ranking purposes. 25
Agricultural, Food & Natural Resources Welding/Ag Mechanics: Room 587 (Ag Building Floral Design/Horticulture: Room 587 (Ag Building) Human Services Room 106 Arts, Audio, Video Technology Room 102 Information Technology Room
Tara Allred Caren Williams Scott Nedrow Daniel Bourgeois 27