Presentation on Managing for Development Results in Zambia By A. Musunga Director M&E MOFNP - Zambia
Introduction Concept of managing for development results now embraced by the Zambian government Government recognizes Importance of providing evidence of progress on implementation of policies and programmes.
A framework for Managing for Development Results National Vision:- Zambia has developed a National Vision, which aims at achieving a “result” of transforming the country to a “Middle Income Nation by the year 2030; Vision has clear quantitative targets on, in Population and GDP growth rates and also outlines policy measures and mindset shift required to attain it; The National Vision is expected to guide the development frameworks for the country up to 2030.
FNDP- A results based Plan FNDP:- The Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) is a national development framework which outlines the various policies, programmes and strategies to be implemented by the country during the period 2006 – FNDP Theme: “Broad-based wealth and job creation through citizenry participation and technological development.” The FNDP is a results-based plan with clear goals and objectives to be achieved in the various sectors. The Plan outlines the strategies to be used to achieve such goals and objectives.
FNDP- A Plan To Manage for Development Results In the context of the FNDP, “results”; are embodied in outcome-based KPIs (about 4 to 6 per sector) KPIs identified by sectors themselves and are used as a proxy for overall sector performance. Management of government’s development, is the responsibility of government institutions and agencies. Controlling officers have oversight on execution of sector programmes and advise policy makers on progress.
FNDP - A Plan To Manage for Development Results continued………. At sector level, SAGs facilitate consultative engagement of key stakeholders with government and provide a platform for policy dialogue. SAG membership is multi-sectoral and includes donors, civil society, private sector, academia etc. Achievement of development results Assessed through quarterly SAG meetings and annual SAG Conferences ;
FNDP- A Plan To Manage for Development Results continued Specific roles and responsibilities of other development stakeholders at national, regional and district levels are outlined in the Plan; These stakeholders also expected to play an advisory role to ensure that development results are attained. Assessment of performance of various sectors in the FNDP is based on the 189 Sector Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Donor Coordination for Development Results There are in existence, functioning donor coordination mechanisms through the Joint Assistance Strategy for Zambia (JASZ). The JASZ is aimed at rationalizing the time spent on dealing with CPs by Governemnt officials and project managerse. Reduction in transaction costs on issues of Aid helps government to focus on achieving planned targets. There is in place Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) for budget support, to facilitate joint M&E of government and donors in agreed areas. Similar arrangements exist under the Sector Support Arrangements in the Health, Education, Roads and Governance Sectors.
Policy Initiatives To facilitate the effective management of development for results, the government is making strides in implementation of :- (1)Public Service Management (PSM) :- This reform area is meant to strengthen human resources and human resource management systems; The overall objective of the reforms is to make the public service responsive to the modern-day demands and requirements from clients. Among the interventions implemented is the institutionali-zation of Service Delivery Charters in the Public Service..
Policy Initiatives Continued.... Service Delivery Charters outlines the level of service delivery expected from government institutions with clear efficiency benchmarks set. Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accounting (PEMFA):- PEMFA reforms are aimed at improving Public Finance Management; especially in relation to public procurement, budget planning, budget execution and expenditure management. Private Sector Development (PSD) The PSD aims at facilitating development of an efficient transparent, and professional private sector;
Policy Initiatives - PSD Continued.... a good business environment is expected to generate progress in the economy and supplement development efforts by government; PSD Programme focuses on :- removing administrative barriers to business, undertaking reforms in business licensing, trade facilitation, and use of information technology.
Policy Initiatives Continued.... The various policy initiatives are aimed at promoting achievement of the country’s development goals and objectives. Managing policy reform for development results is ensured through monitoring and evaluation frameworks for these reforms. Clear benchmarks and milestones are set to ensure achievement of policy objectives.
Issues to be addressed strengthening capacities for public service managers MfDRs; strengthening capacities for public service managers MfDRs; Building consensus on the benefits of managing for development results among sector ministries and provinces; Building consensus on the benefits of managing for development results among sector ministries and provinces; Sensitizing both policy makers and development beneficiaries to focus on outcomes and impacts. Sensitizing both policy makers and development beneficiaries to focus on outcomes and impacts.
Issues to be addressed Continued Develop Sectors Management Information Systems to promote evidence-based policy making; Strengthen coordination of data sharing through the M&E Department; Build capacity in Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) sector management and results based monitoring and evaluation; Establish strong links between budgets and indicator outcomes ;
Issues to be Addressed Continued Strengthen institutional capacities for development planning, implementation and M&E; Address human resource deficits in implementing agencies at all levels Accelerate PSM reforms to improve conditions of service and reduce high staff turn-over in the public service Continue with capacity building programmes in M&E and improve M&E budgets for implementing institutions.; Accelerate development of the National Statistical Strategy to improve data quality to facilitate MfDRs;
WAY FORWARD Build capacity of Sector Advisory Groups managers to manage for development results; Strengthen M&E Department to effectively track development results through linkages with sectors and provincial MISs.