Vasquez High School Counseling Department
Graduation Requirements English/Language Arts 40 Credits/4 Years English 910 Credits1 year English 1010 Credits1 year English 1110 Credits1 year English 1210 Credits1 year History/Social Science 35 Credits/ 3 ½ Years Geography5 Credits1 semester World History10 Credits1 year United States History10 Credits1 year Government5 Credits1 semester Economics5 Credits1 semester
Graduation Requirements Cont. Math 30 Credits/3 Years (All students must successfully complete a year of Algebra 1 in order to earn a diploma. This requirement may be met at the 8 th grade level. Students are still required to complete 30 high school math credits even if they took Algebra I in 8 th grade ) Math Selection 10 credits1 year Science 20 Credits/2 Years Biology (Life Science)10 credits1 year Chemistry (Physical Science)10 credits1 year
Graduation Requirements Cont. Physical Education 20 Credits/2 Years Physical Education 910 credits1 year Physical Education 10 credits1 year Or Sports 2.5 credits (must play all four years in order to earn 10 credits if not taking a second year of PE) Fine Arts/World Language 10 Credits/ 1 Year
Graduation Requirements Cont. Health 5 Credits/ 1 Semester Electives 70 Credits Minimum Graduation Requirements: 230 Credits Passing score on the English and Math portion of the CAHSEE
Classes Specific to Grade Level Freshman Year-English 9, Math, Biology (Life Science) Geography/Health, PE Sophomore Year-English 10, Math, Chemistry/Earth Science (Physical Science), World History, PE Junior Year-English 11, Math, US History, Science* Senior Year-English 12, Government/Economics, Math*, Science* * Not required, but strongly recommended for college admission requirements
Honors and Advanced Placement Criteria: CST score of 380 or better in the subject area-CAASPP result threshold to be determined A letter grade of “B” or higher Teacher recommendation AP students are expected to take AP Exams
Acceleration and Enrichment On-Line Courses Schedule conflicts for core subjects only Supplemental curriculum Credit Deficient Students Summer School Blended Model/Fueled Ed
“A-G” Coursework Who uses the “a-g” requirements? California State System University of California System Private Universities and Colleges have their own admission requirements.
UC/CSU “A-G” Requirements Subject RequirementsMin.Recommended (a) History/Social Science2 Years (b) English4 Years (c) Math3 Years4 Years (d) Lab Science2 Years4 Years (e) Foreign Language2 Years3-4 Years (f) Visual/Performing Arts1 Year (Must be in the same area for both semesters) (g) College Prep. Electives (One extra year from Categories a-e above, Government and Economics meet this requirements) Must earn a letter grade of “C” or higher.
Does VHS offer everything my child will need to meet the “a-g” requirements? “a” History/Social Studies (2 years required) World History or AP World History (10 th grade) US History or AP US History (11 th grade) Government or AP Government
“b” English (4 years required) English 9 (H) English 10 (H) English 11 or AP English Lang. & Comp. English 12 or AP English Lit. & Comp.
“c” Mathematics (3 years required) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Statistics Pre-Calculus AP Calculus
“d” Laboratory Science (2 years required) Biology or Biology Honors Chemistry or AP Chemistry Anatomy and Physiology Physics
“e” Language other than English (2 years of the same language is required) Spanish French German Latin
“f” Visual and Performing Arts (1 year required) Music Theory Drama ROP Culinary Arts ROP Stage Technology
“g” College Pre. Electives (1 year required) Any additional year completed from categories a-f or Government/Economics ROP Sports Medicine Psychology/Sociology
UC GPA Requirements In order to be considered for admission, applicants must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all “A-G" courses completed in grades 10 and 11, with no grade lower than a C. They will award extra grade points for grades received in approved honors-level courses to a maximum of eight semesters, including no more than four semesters taken in the 10th grade.
CSU GPA Requirements Test scores are required unless you have a grade point average above 3.0 and are a resident of California. The CSU uses a calculation called an eligibility index that combines your high school grade point average with the score you earn on either the SAT or ACT tests. Even if you have a GPA above 3.0, it is useful to take either an SAT or ACT as the score may indicate if you do not need to take English and math placement tests after you are admitted and before you enroll at the CSU.
CSU Eligibility Index Sliding Scale
College Admissions Testing PSAT/NMSQT (grade 11) SAT Reasoning Test (3 parts: Math, Critical Reading, and Writing) ACT Assessment plus Optional Writing (5 parts: Math, Reading, Science, English, and Writing) Impacted campuses recommend for students to take SAT Subject Test.
Test Dates PSAT/SAT/ACT PSAT (2014) October 18th – Saturday Students who take the PSAT in their Junior year are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Students can also receive practice questions for their indicated strengths and weaknesses based on their results on the PSAT in order to prepare for the SAT
Test Dates PSAT/SAT/ACT SAT Test DateReg. Deadline Oct. 11, 2014Sept. 12, 2014 Nov. 8, 2014Oct. 9, 2014 Dec. 6, 2014Nov. 6, 2014 Jan. 24, 2015Dec. 29, 2014 Mar. 14, 2015Feb. 13, 2015 May 2, 2015Apr. 6, 2015 Jun. 6, 2015May 8, 2015 *SAT Subject Tests are also offered on these dates but what is available on certain dates varies by subject area
Test Dates PSAT/SAT/ACT ACT Test DateReg. Deadline(Late Fee Required) Sept. 13, 2014Aug. 8, 2014Aug. 9-22, 2014 Oct. 25, 2014Sept. 19, 2014Sept. 20 – Oct. 3, 2-14 Dec. 13, 2014Nov. 7, 2014Nov. 8-21, 2014 Feb. 7, 2015Jan. 9, 2015Jan , 2015 Apr. 18, 2015Mar. 13, 2015Mar , 2015 Jun. 13, 2015May 8, 2015May 9-22, 2015
UC/CSU App Sessions UC Application Session will take place on Oct. 9 th Students and Parents will be given information on how to write personal statements and complete the UC Application CSU Application Session will take place on Oct. 23 rd Students and Parents will be given hands on information and practice in completing the CSU application
Admission Deadlines UC applications can be submitted between November 1 st and 30 th CSU applications can be submitted between October 1 st and November 30 th Out of State and Private Universities have their own admission deadlines students should check the school’s website for specific admission deadlines and requirements
Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation for college admission applications must be requested two weeks in advance Student will also need to pick up and complete a brag sheet in the office to provide individual information to be used in letter of rec.
Financial Aid FAFSA: used to calculate eligibility for need-based financial aid and for federal student and parent loans GPA Verification Form: collects GPA information for Cal Grant awards Students must file a FAFSA and submit a Cal Grant GPA verification form by March 2 nd To submit a Cal Grant GPA verification form students must see Counselor
Applying for Scholarships There are a variety of scholarships available to students both locally and nationally Local Scholarships: See Counselor for more information on local scholarship opportunities available A great source for information regarding national scholarships is Students can search a large database of scholarship opportunities and find application requirements and eligibility information
NCAA Any student looking to play sports at the college level (D1 & D2 schools) needs to register for the NCAA clearinghouse (beginning of junior year) Students are required to complete 16 core classes These requirements overlap with A-G requirements so students who have completed A-G requirements have also completed NCAA requirements Visit the NCAA website for specific requirements thletes/ncaa
Community College Placement Tests Students planning to attend a Community College after high school will need to take a placement test in order to register for classes It is important to prepare for these tests because they effect course placement and eligibility for each student Students may consider taking placement tests early, in order to give time for a possible retake prior to registration College of the Canyons (COC) allows students to retake placement tests six months after the initial test Antelope Valley College (AVC) only allows one retake, which students can take one business day after the initial test
Concurrent Enrollment During their Junior and Senior year students are eligible to complete courses at the local community colleges (COC and AVC) for high school credit Students are not allowed to take core subject area courses (i.e. English, Math, History, and Science) for high school credit. Only elective, foreign language, and non-core subject area courses will be accepted for credit.
CSF Deadlines Applications are due in the first three weeks of the semester Retroactive membership is not granted Students will need their transcript and will need to pay a $7 fee to process their application CSF Seal Bearer/Life member: students must be members for at least 4 semesters, one must be using senior grades. Life Members will receive a seal on their diploma and transcript
AP Test Dates AP Exams are given the first two weeks of May Week 1: Mon. May 4, :00 amAP Chemistry Tues. May 5, :00 amAP Calculus AB Wed. May 6, :00 amAP Eng. Lit. & Comp. Thurs. May 7, :00 amAP Spanish Lang. Fri. May 8, :00 amAP US History Week 2: Tues. May 12, :00 amAP US Government Wed. May 13, :00 amAP Eng. Lang. & Comp. Thurs. May 14, :00 amAP World History
Requesting Final Transcripts Students requesting final transcripts at the end of the year must complete a request form in the front office Requests for transcripts after graduation date will require a fee $3 per transcript $10 for rush order transcipts
Vasquez Students Are Going Places.... USC UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz
Cal State Channel Islands Cal State Long Beach Cal State Northridge Cal State San Marcos Cal State Bakersfield Cal State Monterey Bay Cal State Chico Cal State Sonoma University of Texas University of Pennsylvania University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Indiana University of Colorado University of Hawaii University of Puget Sound University of Denver University of Washington University of the Pacific Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising ~ FIDM
Resources School Website: Some other resources that could be useful for post high school planning, SAT test prep and homework help include:
Questions? Who should I contact? Mrs. Ortiz Ms. Hannasch