茂名市一中 唐慧 校本课程 —— 写作与生活 Writing Application Letters.


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Presentation transcript:

茂名市一中 唐慧 校本课程 —— 写作与生活 Writing Application Letters

2 沃尔玛公司是世界零售业巨头,沃尔玛公司茂名分店 将于今年 10 月扩业,面向社会公开招聘以下人员: 副总经理 1 名 待遇:年薪不低于 30 万元 秘书 1 名 待遇:年薪不低于 15 万元 以上均需本科以上学历,年龄 :22 - 35 岁,身高 : 女 1.65 米以上、男 1.75 米以上,熟悉企业内部运行,有 良好的沟通能力,熟练运用 office 等办公软件及办公 设备,英语达到四级以上,有工作管理经验优先。 Lead-in: 人才招聘

3 Question: If you were Mr. John Smith, would you give Jenny the chance of a job interview? 10/6/2006 Dear John, My aunt Susan told me that you are looking for a secretary. Is that true? I want this job very much. And I’ll work deadly hard if you give me the chance to try. Love, Jenny

4 Brainstorm What information do you think an application letter should contain?  The name of the applicant.  The age of the applicant.  The qualifications of the applicant.  The educational background of the applicant.  Some special skills.  Telephone number or address. ……

5 How to organize Application Letters

6 Read a writing sample. Find out and write down the six parts of Lin Xue’s letter. 1. Heading: The writer’s address: ___________________ The date of writing: ____________________ 2. Inside address: ________________________ 3. Salutation: ____________________________ 4. Introductory part: _____________________ 5. Body: ________________________________ 6. Closing: ______________________________ 7. Complimentary closing: _______________ 8. Signature: _____________________________

7 Solve the problem: Why wouldn’t John give Jenny the chance of a job interview? 10/6/2006 Dear John, My aunt Susan told me that you are looking for a secretary. Is that true? I want this job very much. And I will work deadly hard if you give me the chance to try. Love, Jenny Jenny didn’t give her address in the letter.Jenny didn't write an inner address. It is not polite to address someone you don’t know by his first name like “Dear John”. The slang expression “work deadly hard” could not be used on formal occasions. The complimentary closing “love” should not be used in an application letter for someone you don’t know. Jenny didn’t give her family name to Mr Smith. Her writing style is too casual.

8 Rearrange the fragments Peter’s application letter has been torn by his naughty cat. Please help him rearrange the fragments into a complete letter. Group work: Try to find correct place and stick them in correct order.

9 (1)__________ (2)__________ Dear Sir, (3)_______________________________ (4)________________ (5)________________ (6)________________ (7)________________ (8)________________ Yours faithfully, (signature) Peter Johnson H A C BE GD F

10 Conclusion: the Structure of an Application Letter Heading Inside address Salutation Introductory part Complimentary closing Body Closing Signature

11 假设你是林格格, 家住茂名市高凉路 101 号, 邮编 :525000, 毕业于广东外贸学院, 有两年的业余秘书经验。联系电 话: 。 请根据下面这则广告用英语写封求职信。 Help Wanted Walmart Company looking for secretary, aged between 20-35, height: 1.65 (female), 1.75 (male), good at spoken English and Mandarin, with a good knowledge of computer software design and office equipment, Maoming’s history, geography and culture, good at communication; experience helpful but not a must. Write to 211 Yingbin Road, Maoming Tel: (0668) Writing

12 注意: 1. 求职信须符合广告要求,可适当增加细节,使 全文连贯。 2. 词数 110 左右。 3. 信的开头已写好,请接 着往下写。 101 Gaoliang Road Maoming Guangdong June 12 th, 2006 Walmart Company 211 Yingbin Road Maoming Guangdong Dear Sir /Madam, ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________

13 Some tips Step 1 Brainstorm and list the advantages that would qualify you for the job. Step 2 List your relevant experience such as your course, your previous summer jobs, your future plans, etc. Step 3 Write down the names and address of references you need in your letter. Step 4 Draft your application letter on a piece of paper. Step 5 Exchange your draft with your partner’s and cross-check.

14 Homework Write your composition on your exercise book.

Gaoliang Road Maoming Guangdong June 12 th, 2006 Walmart Company 211 Yingbin Road Maoming Guangdong Dear Sir /Madam, Having read your ad. in the newspaper, I want to apply for the position of secretary.

16 I’m a 22-year-old girl; 1.66 meters in height. As a graduate from Guangdong Foreign Trade College, I majored in Secretarial and Public Relations English among my courses. I speak not only standard Mandarin but also excellent English. When I was at university, I got the first place in the competition of computer software design and English Speech. Interested in Chinese history, geography and culture, I have read a lot about them, especially those of Maoming. So I know her places of interest like the back of my hand. Besides, I worked part time as a sectary for two years at Travel Agency in Guangzhou. I do well in office equipments. What’s more, my voice is sweet, I always get on well with people.

17 I know Walmart Company is very famous and successful and if I’m given a chance to work there, I’m sure I can do it well. If you require a letter of reference about my work and ability, please write to Ms. Nancy Adams, the manager of the Main Street Travel Agency in Guangzhou. My telephone number is Hoping to hear from you soon. Yours Sincerely, Lin Gege