NVLAP Dosimetry Accreditation Organization of Agreement States – August 2012
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) NVLAP is: A system for accrediting laboratories found competent to perform specific tests or calibrations NVLAP is not : An operator of a certification program A certifier of products or personnel A certifier of test data
NVLAP – Regulatory Requirement 15 CFR Part 285 – NVLAP Department of Commerce regulation NIST administers NVLAP Established in 1976
NVLAP Accreditation Programs TESTING - Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry - Radiation Detection Instrument Testing Carpet/Electric Motors/ Lighting/Thermal Insulation/ Fasteners-Metals/EMC-Telecommunications/IT Security/ Asbestos/Acoustics/Construction/ Biometrics/Health IT
NVLAP Accreditation Applicant laboratories – any testing laboratory Government/national testing laboratories Manufacturer’s testing laboratories Independent testing laboratories Domestic testing laboratories Foreign testing laboratories
NVLAP Accreditation Accrediting body - ISO/IEC 17011, Conformity assessment – General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies Accredited laboratories - ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
General Accreditation Criteria NIST Handbook 150, NVLAP Procedures and General Requirements Ensures consistency with international standards and guidelines, specifically ISO/IEC 17025. Chapter 4, Management Requirements, and Chapter 5, Technical Requirements, are verbatim with ISO/IEC 17025.
Program-specific Requirements Program-specific Handbooks NIST Handbook 150-4, Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Consensus standards
Dosimetry Standards Consensus standards ANSI N13.11-2009, Personnel dosimetry Performance – Criteria for Testing (whole body) ANSI N13.32-2008, Performance Testing of Extremity Dosimeters (extremity)
Dosimetry Proficiency Testing Different radiation categories (see ANSI N13.11 and ANSI N13.32) Accident photons Photons/photon mixture Beta Photon/beta mixtures Neutron/photon mixtures
Dosimetry Proficiency Testing Proficiency testing (ANSI N13.11 and ANSI N13.32) Submit dosimeters for proficiency testing – every 2 years Test in categories that best represent the services provided
NVLAP Accreditation On-site assessment every two years NVLAP Assessors Quality management system Technical capabilities NVLAP Assessors Technical experts (industry, government, academia) Trained in assessment techniques
NVLAP On-site Assessment Assessor resources are on NVLAP website publically available no surprises for lab Laboratories resolve all nonconformities to maintain accreditation
Dosimetry Accreditation Dosimeters are NOT accredited NVLAP does not certify any product Dosimetry processors are accredited Scope of accreditation lists the processing equipment, dosimeters, holders and radiation categories
Dosimeters Film TLDs (thermoluminescent dosimeters) OSLs (optically-stimulated luminescence) EPDs (electronic personal dosimeters) Instadose (built-in memory chip)
Dosimetry Processing Some dosimeters are not “processed”, but are electronically “read” Processed Film / TLDs / OSLs Not processed EPDs / Instadose
NVLAP Accreditation All dosimeters types (processed and not processed) have to be submitted for proficiency testing Dosimeters are pulled from existing inventory and not specially selected Dosimeter has to “pass” PT in the radiation categories for which lab seeks accreditation
NVLAP Accreditation Accredited laboratory has to have control over data obtained from dosimeter Clients cannot manipulate/change data used to report dose Instadose data goes directly to accredited laboratory Fully automated transfer of data
Summary –Dosimetry Processing Accreditation Any laboratory may apply Government/national testing laboratories Manufacturer’s testing laboratories Independent testing laboratories Domestic testing laboratories Foreign testing laboratories
Summary –Dosimetry Processing Accreditation Scope of Accreditation Dosimetry system Dosimeter, badge holder, readers Radiation categories for which the lab seeks accreditation ANSI N13.11(whole body) ANSI N13.32 (extremity)
Summary –Dosimetry Processing Accreditation PLEASE REMEMBER Dosimeters are not accredited. Laboratories are accredited.
Contact Info – Betty Ann Sandoval NIST/NVLAP http:www.nist.gov/nvlap 301-975-8446 betty.sandoval@nist.gov