Welcome to Parent / Student Night
Established in Tradition of helping our students succeed. Excellent instructors and dedicated staff. We serve both Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties. Outreach sites at Elma, Raymond and Ilwaco. Associate degrees Certificates New or improved job skills Earn a GED English as a new language Community special interest courses Grays Harbor College
Created by the Washington State Legislature in 1990 as a component of the Parent and Student Choice Act Providing qualified high school juniors and seniors with the opportunity to attend college while earning high school and college credit at the same time.
1) Junior or senior in high school 2) Under 21 3) Do not have a high school diploma (GED OK) 4) College Placement Test (CPT) completed:
*Bring photo ID & $10 * 8am to 2pm M-Th *Plan for 2 hours, test not timed *Be rested, have a light meal with protein *See practice test questions at: (See green sheet in packet) * When finished, meet with a counselor *Discuss placement results with a counselor *Receive an eligibility form signed by the counselor
Basic Costs Books Testing $10 Fees Classroom supplies (writing materials) Transportation Free at GHC I.D. Cards Parking Bus Passes
How do we calculate free tuition: Careful planning = free tuition up to 15 credits
What is an FTE? Full-Time Equivalency: how the state measures the time students spend in class for payment. In the past: 1 FTE for the College (15 credits or 3 classes) 1 FTE for the High School (1500 minutes weekly or 5-6 classes) The College and the High School share 1.2 FTE
Think of it like a savings account you share between the college and the high school: 50% at college + 50% at the high school or 25% at one and 75% at the other or 60% at one and 40% at the other 100% at one and 2% at the other
Verification Form: Handout: Student Counselor/Running Start Coordinator Student Parent Guardian Running Start State Funding Limit Table : Enrolled High School/ College Weekly minutes / %FTE / Max FTE / Max Credits
Hours in High SchoolCredits at CollegeTotal FTE 1 (.20 FTE) Approximately 1 class15 (1.0 FTE) 3 5-credit (cr.) classes or any combination of classes = 15 cr (.40 FTE) Approximately 2 Classes12 (.80 FTE) 2 5-cr. classes & 1 2-cr. or any combination of classes =12 cr (.60 FTE) Approximately 3 Classes9 the 10 th cr. can be waived (.60 FTE) 2 5-cr. classes or any combination of classes = 10 cr (.80 FTE) Approximately 4 Classes6 (.40 FTE) 1 5-cr. class & 1 1-cr. class or any combination of classes = 6 cr (1.0 FTE) Approximately 5 Classes3 (.20 FTE) 1-3-cr. class or any combination of classes = 3 cr Example:
Running Start Funding Limit Table Enrolled High SchoolTuition-Free - College Credit Weekly Minuets *FTEMax FTEMax Free Credits /10** 908-1, ,013-1, ,103-1, ,208-1, ,312-1, ,403 or More0.94 or more02.03 * Weekly Minutes based on high school bell schedule and eligible passing time. **Students qualifying for 0.60 FTE college enrollment and registered for exactly 10 credits, will be granted a 1 credit tuition waiver for the 10th credit. *** A student enrolled in both high school and skills center classes and claimed for more than a combined 1.0 FTE qualifies for 0.20 Running Start FTE. When a student is enrolled in both high school and skills center and taking less than 1.0 FTE, the standard Running Start calculation applies.
Questions? Can I take just one class at the college and go full- time at the high school? (Visa Versa) When will I owe money? What about Vocational Programs? How much does 1 credit cost at the college? $107
Cons Intense study requirements Less supervision/adult environment Students must manage their own time Grades count at both high school & college Scheduling conflicts with high school Transportation back and forth Adult Confidentiality
Pros Save thousands of dollars Free tuition up to 15 credits per quarter Test the college experience Sometimes a better fit for students Course selection more varied and challenging Course work may apply to chosen career 5 credit class (1 quarter) = 1 year at high school Students can attend full-time or part -time College resources and activities
Tutoring Homework Lab Writing Desk Study Groups Workshops Skills Bank
Academic Running Start Technical Professional Running Start Classes for High School Credit Associate of Arts Associate of Science Associate of Technology Associate of Applied Science Certificates of Achievement Certificates of Completion
2 year degree and transfer to university in Humanities and Social Sciences (lavender form in folder) (93 credits) Possible advanced degrees, Psychology, Art, Music, Political Science, Anthropology……………. General College Requirements (GER’s) 2 classes or 10 credits of English 1 class or 5 credits of college level Math 2 classes or 3 credits of PE 3 classes or 15 credits of Social Sciences 3 classes or 15 credits of Humanities 3 classes or 15 credits of Science and Math 30 credits of Electives: 20 Specified and 10 General Social Work Lawyer Psychologist Teacher Historian Librarian Counselor Musician Artist Business/Acct. Historian General overview of possible classes
2 classes or 10 credits of English 2 classes or 3 credits of PE 3 classes or 15 credits of Social Science and Humanities 2 classes or 10 credits of English 2 classes or 3 credits of PE 3 classes or 15 credits of Social Science and Humanities Engineer Architect Doctor Dentist Zoologist Marine Biologist Computer Analyst Forensic Scientist Veterinarian Physical Therapist Pharmacist 2-3 classes or credits of General Chemistry 3-5 classes or credits of Math 15 credits of Biology or 15 credits of organic chemistry 3 classes or 15 credits of Engineering Physics 2-3 classes or credits of General Chemistry 3-5 classes or credits of Math 15 credits of Biology or 15 credits of organic chemistry 3 classes or 15 credits of Engineering Physics General overview of possible classes
GER’s English 101 or 150 = 5 credits Psychology or Sociology = 3-5 credits Math 100, 101, 107 or 146 = 5 credits PE 2 classes= 3 credits Police Officer Park Ranger Auto Mechanic Diesel Mechanic Carpenter Forester Nurse Office Assistant Medical Assistant Business Manager Accountant Commercial Truck Driving Human Services Core Vocational Credits credits General overview of possible classes
Use the Running Start Checklist in your packet to remind yourself of steps. Located on the right hand side
Maturity To be able to stick with a job until it is finished To do one’s duty without being supervised To be able to carry money without spending it To be able to bear an injustice without wanting to get even
No texting during class Turn off cell phones before entering classroom Attend every class on time & for the full length of class Actively participate in class discussions & projects Demonstrate mature attitudes & behaviors in class Study independently each day or form/join study groups Turn assignments in on time; extra credit is "rare" Share the workload on "group/team projects“ Ask for help when you need it Responsibility:
Maturity Vision Responsibility
Vivian L Kaylor, MSW Running Start Counselor Grays Harbor College For persons with disabilities please contact the GHC Disabilities Support Services Holly Leonard TDD/TTY