Helmholtz Centre for Ion Research D. Krämer, 2nd Lab Directors Meeting, Protvino, January 15-16, 2008 Design and Engineering Issues; Standardization and.


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Presentation transcript:

Helmholtz Centre for Ion Research D. Krämer, 2nd Lab Directors Meeting, Protvino, January 15-16, 2008 Design and Engineering Issues; Standardization and Synergies

Funding by all partners – GER & Partners by in-kind and/or cash contributions In-kind contributions: Partners will nominate tech. Responsible persons from Laboratories that will take-over working package(s) AND: procurement of components to FAIR funding stays in the partner country direct funding agency to lab International Realization of FAIR Cash contributions: All working packages that are not covered need to be procured by FAIR GmbH using int. Call for Tenders So fare there are virtually no cash contributions

In-Kind Contracts as Defined by AFI 1In-kind contributions will be contractually defined by FAIR GmbH and representatives of the partner countries 2 Contracts will address: 2.1 Legal aspects (schedule, responsibilities..) 2.2Compliance to European/German laws - electrical rules, pressure vessel regulations etc. (necessary certifications are part of the work) 2.2 Specifications of components to deliverables - Technical specifications (parameters and tolerances) - functional specification (in general no detailed drawings!) to allow industries for optimum production

Scope of Work 3Scope of Work and Responsibilities within WP Production of fabrication drawings Procurement of materials Production of components according specification Testing (FAT) and Documentation Packing and transportation to FAIR site Unpacking, testing (SAT) and installation Functionality tests without beam System responsibility is with the head of specific machine

Specification and Realization of in-kind Costbook defines “Share in FAIR” independent of production costs (to be settled with partners funding agency) Specifications are the basis of contracts between FAIR GmbH and partner lab for contribution

WP descriptions (provided by GSI/FAIR machine group): - functional descriptions - detailed specifications incl. drawings - build to print (in rare cases). Technical Specifications

Technical Detailing Accelerator Components

Detailing of Civil Construction in Progress

Specification of Components Available documents: - FAIR Baseline Technical Report - Technical Design Reports under preparation - Parameterlist for all machines excisting

Distribution of Work Packages The process: - Expressions of interest by partner labs - according to proposal, technical capabilities, references etc. - Evaluation/Decision by inter. Expert groups together with management and IKRB preparation of first in-kind list for approval by Council & IKRB) -Supervision by FAIR GmbH as the project owner - operational groups from GSI and other labs (CERN..)

Site Lab.-Services Landlord Activ. POF-Research Res.-Infrastr. Scientific- Technical Infrastructure FAIR Facility Construction / Operation FAIR-GmbH Management Contractual Arrangements "Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrag" Strategic Planning Budget & Financing Controlling Scientific Program & Schedule International Employment FAIR Line Management Administrative Infrastructure GSI Line Management Laboratory Facility & Site Operations Engineering Design Site Preparation and ES&H Technical & Civil Construction Production Supervision Commissioning GSI-mbH Management Tasks of FAIR GmbH and GSI

Documentation at FAIR 2.3 Communication and Reporting - Regular reviews (CDR, FDR, PRR..) by FAIR with the help of external experts (e.g. GSI, CERN..) - includes access to production site for FAIR representatives - Testing & documentation FAT, SAT (requires a defined and approved QA and QC prior and during project)

EDMS as Project Communication Tool is Progressing Standardization of Documentation

Standardization at FAIR Evident to make use of synergies think on operation/service of the accelerators A common control system - Hardware requirements on interfaces Power converters: identical digital regulation and interface to control system at all machines Diagnostics: common interfaces for all machines Vacuum: common interfaces for all machines RF: common Low Level electronics and interfaces In case of questions: ask the machine responsibles

Head of Machines Co-ordinators in the designs & expertise Synchrotrons Storage Rings SIS100, SIS300,HEBT NESR, CR, RESR, p-Bar Source P. Spiller M. Steck R. Maier (HESR) p-linac: L. Groening Super-FRS: M. Winkler

Standardization of Drawings Site A WEB-Client Access Service Local Data Site C WEB-Client Local Data Supplier WEB-Client Local Data INTERNET Site B WEB-Client Access Service Local Data Converting OFTP OpenDXM ® Database Local Data Access Service Converting Administratio n OFTP Customers/ Partners 2.4 Standardization in Communication - Drawings Interface management - Documentation for maintenance Facility management All drawings in 3D required Archived at GSI for FAIR

CE Conformity as Safety Standard All components that are used at FAIR need to fulfill EU safety standards (proven by CE declaration) Requires careful documentation and approval Compliance to European/German laws - electrical rules, pressure vessel regulations etc. (necessary certification is part of the work package)

Manpower Considerations Manpower of 1950 FTEs accounted for supervision and project control on-site. Comprises the personnel needed for –coordination activities for the subprojects and technical subsystems –elaboration of the specifications –supervision of quality assurance of delivered components –supervision of assembly and installation of components –commissioning with beam. Manpower for realization of components is within the scope of work package.

Present EoIs cover more than 2/3 of work packages Great success Let‘s start round table discussions on technical details with all partners that expressed their interest in dedicated machine(s) or work packages.