Assessing Energy Savings Potential of Products and Technologies 2004 APPA Customer Connections Conference Rob Penney WSU Energy Program
The Need for Product Energy Assessments
The Need Utilities need unbiased information about products & technologies when designing energy market transformation programs Utility staff are deluged by questions from vendors and customers but lack time and/or ability to assess products Some are uncomfortable with potential liability
The Need More and more “smart devices” (integrated circuit logic to monitor and control lighting, motors, HVAC), which are difficult to test/verify Marketing may be misleading: Devices for other purposes (e.g., “power conditioning”) marketed as saving energy Exaggerated energy saving claims Application-specific products marketed as universally effective Testing and case studies may not be useful
The Need Not cost-effective for each utility to assess a new product or technology Vendors with legitimate products lack easy and timely access to utility staff Expose “Snake oil” manufacturers quickly so conservation resources are wisely invested Encourage manufacturers to improve—and better document—energy performance of products
The Need Unbiased information speeds market transformation: Encourages utilities to incorporate promising technologies into conservation / market transformation programs, saving regional energy Manufacturers with promising products gain market share more quickly Avoid investing limited market transformation resources into products with unproven performance
The PTR Service in the Pacific Northwest
The PTR Service Product and Technology Review (PTR)—service development began in 2002 Lighting products assessed by Lighting Design Lab; others by WSU Energy Program Funded primarily by Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Lighting Lab also supported by Seattle City Light, Puget Sound Energy, Snohomish County PUD, BC Hydro, and Tacoma Power
Selecting Products to Review Nomination by NW utilities, BPA, state energy offices, or Oregon Energy Trust Selection Criteria: Commercial and industrial technologies—either new technology not in common use in NW or older technology now marketed as having significant energy savings Little unbiased information available Significant electricity saving potential
PTR Process Gather independent test data, engineering studies, case studies, manufacturer’s literature Assess validity of test data, case studies, engineering principles Search literature for product references Share utility information and experiences through listserv
Motivating Manufacturers
Communicating the Results Manufacturer/distributor contact info Product function and applications Energy saving claims Non-energy benefits Independent testing results & case studies Cost Alternative products and strategies Suggestions for further research and testing Disclaimer
Fact Sheet Disclaimer Outlines intent and scope of assessment: Not to be construed as an endorsement Does not guarantee product performance Assessment includes information from the manufacturer
The Liability Issue Potential for litigation is a concern Steps taken to limit liability: Perform secondary research only Have manufacturer sign liability waiver Carefully document and record process Include disclaimer in fact sheet
Assessments Completed MicroPlanet: home/business voltage regulators ArticMaster: refrigerant management system Energy Director: peak demand management Fan Saver: Walk-in cooler fan controller WindTree: small rooftop wind generator
Assessments Proposed Nominations being considered: A motor voltage controller Ceramic coatings Polarized refrigerant additive Fan controller for walk-in coolers A radiant heater Power conditioning devices
Possible Future Directions Depending on funding, the PTR service could: Collaborate with other organizations Perform primary research Proactively identify products for review Expand focus of review to include performance, power quality, reliability, training required, etc. Explore impacts of the service on utility incentive programs, manufacturer documentation, etc.
Summing It Up
Our Vision Products with predictable and reliable energy savings are more quickly adopted Utilities and customers avoid unwise investment in products less likely to provide energy savings Manufacturers with promising products are able to gain market share and more investors Manufacturers improve testing and documentation of energy savings Our program expands through collaboration
Information Wanted Share experiences of your assessment program or refer me to someone else’s Explore opportunities for collaboration and information sharing Share suggestions for Getting additional funding More effectively assisting utilities Avoiding liability
Resources Pacific Northwest utilities contact: Western utilities contact: The Power Line
Contact Information Rob Penney Senior Energy Engineer WSU Energy Program (360)