Information night 2015
Why do TY? Philosophy Aims Timetable Calendar Practical issues TY students speaking about their experience Questions
In St. Angela’s % of students do TY. It provides opportunities a traditional academic year does not provide. Students have time to consider career options. It is not a “doss year”, the right attitude and approach and full involvement are expected and required. National results indicate that those who do TY secure on average 46 points more in the Leaving Cert.
Rounded education Mature and develop Explore options Solid foundation for Leaving Cert
Confident and secure Caring and sensitive Ensure good physical and mental health Study and time management skills Become an effective communicator Skills in analysis and critical thinking Develop creativity, acquire new aptitudes & skills Consider future career
The timetable is created in layers, each colour represents a different layer
Religious Education ICT Religious Education ICT Irish English Maths French / German Irish English Maths French / German 4 periods per week 2 periods per week
Physics Chemistry Biology Geography History Physics Chemistry Biology Geography History Business Accounting Home Ec. Art Music Business Accounting Home Ec. Art Music 3 per week
Horticulture Drivers Ed. Chinese Japanese Mini Company Horticulture Drivers Ed. Chinese Japanese Mini Company Genetics Genealogy Classics Environmental education Self defence Genetics Genealogy Classics Environmental education Self defence 2 per week
Tuesday afternoon triple class
Young social innovators Heritage Literacy Media 3 per week Musical Cast Production Creative Management
Students opt into one of four areas in the school musical; Cast: Onstage performer Production: Backstage, responsible for sound and lighting. Creative: responsible for hair and make up, making costumes, sets and props. Management; Organise the raffle, ticket printing and sales, promotion and advertising of the musical.
Imagining how the world can be different and then making that change
Writing, editing and producing the school magazine.
Reading revolution: the promotion of literacy throughout the school community.
Students learn about the history, culture and heritage of Cork.
Academic placements Trinity UCC CIT Academic placements Trinity UCC CIT Competitions YSI Heritage Debate Sport Youth connect Film festivals Mini company Competitions YSI Heritage Debate Sport Youth connect Film festivals Mini company
Whizz kids training MYTY training Kenmare outdoor education trips Ploughing championships Knock youth day Shrek the musical Driver simulator Graffiti theatre company Art exhibition Open top bus trip Whizz kids training MYTY training Kenmare outdoor education trips Ploughing championships Knock youth day Shrek the musical Driver simulator Graffiti theatre company Art exhibition Open top bus trip Careers talks French drama Young scientist exhibition Aptitude tests Charity collecting days China trip Camino trip German trip Calcutta trip with Hope Crib ceremony Musical Careers talks French drama Young scientist exhibition Aptitude tests Charity collecting days China trip Camino trip German trip Calcutta trip with Hope Crib ceremony Musical
COMMUNITY WORK PLACEMENTWORK EXPERIENCE 2 hours per week for 7 weeks on a Tuesday afternoon. Students are responsible for finding the placement. Students make their way to the placement each Tuesday at lunchtime for the 7 weeks. Students organise 2 separate 1 week placements for work experience. Students are responsible for finding the placement. Should be a placement relevant to future careers NOT Summer jobs! Christmas and Summer reports Subject choice information evening Graduation night
Portfolio Tests Homework Projects Oral presentations Reports and diaries Evaluation of events and speakers. End of year exams in core subjects. Portfolio presentation and interview in May.
All 3 rd years will have a presentation on TY. Application forms have to be submitted by April 13 th. First instalment of fees (€200) on acceptance to the TY programme (non refundable). Second instalment of €200 in August. Total fees €400 + €8.50 school insurance to cover all TY activities.
Each student is expected to sign a form stating that she will make her best effort to participate in TY. This includes; Classes Friends Attendance School rules Induction days
% of our students do TY. Opportunities. Time to consider career options It is not a “doss year” On average 46 points more in the Leaving Cert.