Balanced Scorecard Sample with detailed explanation Balanced Scorecard Sample |
How to review this sample You can review just this presentation, but you will have much more information if you will download and install free trial copy of BSC Designer PRO from Start with downloading free trial copy of BSC Designer PRO, open balanced-scorecard-sample.bsc from “Samples” folder of BSC Designer installation. Balanced Scorecard Sample |
Business Goal Sample When creating Balanced Scorecard the first thing that you need to do is to define business goals. Balanced Scorecard is not just about "measuring", it is about helping you achieve your business goal! In BSC Designer go to the “Business goals” tab Here are business goal samples represented in BSC Designer Balanced Scorecard Sample |
KPIs Sample The second important part of Balanced Scorecard are Key Performance Indicators that will help you to measure your progress towards your business goals. Here is KPIs sample in BSC Designer Balanced Scorecard Sample |
KPI Sample One KPI should have certain properties such as name, description, target, value, measure units, weight, baseline, target, min, max. Here is detailed explanation of all these properties: /kpi_designer_manual/chang e-indicator-details.htm /kpi_designer_manual/chang e-indicator-details.htm KPI Sample: Name, Description KPI Sample: Value, Weight Balanced Scorecard Sample |
Budgeting Sample The next important step is linking budgeting to KPI. Here is an example of how you can do this in BSC Designer. Select KPI in BSC Designer, click “Initiatives” button, then click “Add budget” (for money values) or “Add duration” (for time values). Balanced Scorecard Sample |
Cascading Sample Once you have balanced scorecards for each business unit you can link them together in cascading. For more details check \Samples\Cascading folder of BSC Designer installation Approach to cascading. Link together scorecards of different business units. BSC Designer can then automatically create cascading map like this. Balanced Scorecard Sample |
Updating scheme sample The Balanced Scorecard and indicators inside scorecard should be updated regularly. In BSC Designer for each indicator it is possible to specify the required update period. Access "Update Info" Panel. Select "View" > "Toolbars" > Panel "Update Info“. Select indicator and specify update interval Then go to “Analysis” tab, select “Update time” report type to display indicators that need to be updated Balanced Scorecard Sample |
Open and modify these samples The best way to create your own Balanced Scorecard is to open and modify our samples according to your needs Sample files from this presentation located in installation form of BSC Designer in subfolder Samples Balanced Scorecard Sample |
More information More information on every aspect of Balanced Scorecard discussed in “Balanced Scorecard Samples” Visit for eTraining on all aspects of Balanced Scorecard design, implementation and Balanced Scorecard eTraining: 1.Practical introduction to Balanced Scorecard 2.Preparing for Balanced Scorecard 3.Motivation for Balanced Scorecard 4.How to build Balanced Scorecard 5.How to design winning KPIs 6.Strategy maps and Balanced Scorecard 7.Cascading Balanced Scorecard 8.Testing the Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Sample |