Perspicuity Building an Office 365 Business - Warts ‘n all Presenter: Ben Gower – CEO Rupert Squires – Sales Director
Perspicuity -Our story -Approach to a cloud delivery model -Cloud People -3 things to do Agenda Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Our story 20 staff in London and SW England $2m SharePoint Consultancy clients – now Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Recurring income up from $10K p/m - $100K 2012 to now number 1 reseller in uk Recognised globally Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity How to screw up Marketing Event Office 365 Proposition Our proposition The old model doesn't work Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity What do you need to deliver an SMB Office 365 deal? Migration (: - Exchange $100K (: - Project $80K (: Migration :) - Well trained customer services representative :) - Great tools - Skykick, Migration Wizz :) - Great (repeatable) processes :) - Solid documentation :) - Sales process :) Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity SharePoint (: - SharePoint $100K (: - Project $80K (: SharePoint :) - Well trained customer services representative :) - Great tools - Suite Moves, Templates :) - Great (repeatable) processes :) - Solid documentation :) - Sales process :) Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Office 365 for Education, Small & Medium Businesses and Charities Questions…
Perspicuity First Steps Separate your Office 365 business on the P/L Decide YES or No Agree with business stakeholders: budget / KPIs $$$ minimum / time to break even / resources Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Hire the right people Don't bother the rest of the business with it Incentivise existing sales staff with $$ or gifts Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Start little marketing campaigns, events, leads target 5 deals Don't be afraid to screw up Fail fast Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Office 365 for Education, Small & Medium Businesses and Charities Questions…
Perspicuity Maddie Hollis Joe Smith Elliott Carter Coralie Crescence Charlie Gilbert Adam Priscott Our Team Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Careers start here You get paid here You do this Reward Property of Perspicuity Limited NOT to be distributed or reproduced
Perspicuity Office 365 for Education, Small & Medium Businesses and Charities Questions…
Perspicuity 1. Use Office 365 internally – really! 2. Lead with Office 365 – or we will! 3. Incentivise your staff 4. Sell
Perspicuity Ben Gower Ben Gower Rupert Squires Rupert Squires