Part 6:AT Sensory Impairments
Sensory Impairments The web is a dynamic and changing environment. Sites and URLs listed in this workshop can change names, move to another location, or just disappear. If you attempt to go to a site and it is not there: 1.Check first that you have entered the address correctly. Any error, an extra space, a capitalized or lower case letter will lead you to a dead-end. Check carefully and try again. 2.Wait a few moments and try the site again. Sometimes the internet is busy and it will work fine in awhile. 3.Try using a search engine to find the site. Enter the name, not the URL of the site you are looking for. 4.Trim the URL by eliminating parts of the address from the right end back. Remove elements one step at a time from each slash (/…/). 5.Try the Wayback Machine ( 6.If you need to use steps 3 – 5, notify the instructor whether you find the site or not
General Assistance in Platforms Accessibility Web site for Windows m/enable/ Web site for windows with information on accessibility features – Check Control Panel - Accessibility Options Accessibility programs on Mac cessibility/ Web site with accessibility information for Apple platforms Check System Preferences - Universal Access
Information About Visual Impairments National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments Downloadable checklist of tech skills for students with visual impairments American Foundation for the Blind Resources and information about vision loss American Printing House for the Blind Specialized materials, products and services for persons with visual impairments
Information About Visual Impairments (Cont) Lighthouse International Information on vision loss. Links to research, products and publications. National Braille Factory Produces Braille documents. Universal Design for Internet Access Web based tool that examines Web pages for accessibility.
Information About Visual Impairments (Cont) National Center for Accessible Media NCAM provides examples of accessible Web pages Do-It List of Internet resources for accessible Web page design
AT Resources for Visual Impairments American Printing House for the Blind Specialized materials, products and services for persons with visual impairments Braille Translation Software Duxburry Braille Translator Braille translation and word processing service Descriptive Video Services mag/resources/dvs-home-video- catalogue.html Narration of key visual elements inserted in natural pauses within dialogue
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) Note-Taking Device Braille Desk Trans Type BrailleDesk – synthesizer and note taker Synthesizer and advanced note taker Braille’n Speak ndex.html Word processor, spell check and other features in Perkins-style keyboard. Franklin Company Dictionaries with large screens or voice output
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) Independent Living Aids Low-vision products PDA PAC Mate Provides access to information GPS Systems for Blind and Visually Impaired or_the_visually_impaired php/2007/06/26/gps-for-the-blind- or-visually-impaired/ Navigation and orientation information for persons who are visually impaired
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) MagnaSight Screen Enlarger gnisight/mspc.htm Closed circuit TV to enlarge printed materials Screen Magnifiers Information about hardware and software to improve access to computers and print Speech Output Systems JAWS ndex.html Enhanced, multilingual speech synthesizer. Nine languages and output also in refreshable Braille
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) Speech Output Systems TextHelp Accessibility, dyslexia nad text-to- speech software Tactile Products Repro-Tronics Tactile paper, Thermo pen Optical Devices for Science Useful tools for biology and science
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) Refreshable Braille Displays html fs_products/displays.asp Hardware for producing refreshable Braille Recorded Books ex.cfm?fuseaction=school.show_co re_collection&type=rsupecc&%7B ts%20%272007%2D09%2D05%20 12%3A15%3A45%27%7D
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) PowerTalk / Speeh output for Powerpoint presentations Recorded Books ex.cfm?fuseaction=school.show_co re_collection&type=rsupecc&%7B ts%20%272007%2D09%2D05%20 12%3A15%3A45%27%7D Oats Open Source Assistive Technology Software
AT Resources for Visual Impairments (Cont) Read Please Plus Screen Reader - Free Browse Aloud Free Web Reader
Information About Hearing Impairments Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing ault.aspx Resources for lifespan, support network, advocacy. American Society for Deaf Children Information for students who are deaf and hard of hearing American Speech-Language- Hearing Association Information about speech and language therapy
Information About Hearing Impairments (Cont) Deaf Resource Library Mailing lists and newsgroups, research and online magazine DB_Link Federally funded information and referral services that identifies, coordinates and disseminates information on deaf-blind Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults Provides technical assistance to families and agencies serving children and your adults who are deaf-blind
Information About Hearing Impairments (Cont) Deafblind Children Home Page /meadows/5939/ / Resources for parents National Technical Assistance Consortium for Deaf-Blind Young Adults Technical assistance for families and agencies serving deaf-blind children
AT Resources for Hearing Impairments Amplifiers Teleloop Amplifiers Lightlink infared neckloop receiver Butte Publications Published educational materials for students with hearing impairments Captioned Media Program ?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 Free loan program of more than 4,000 open captioned media