State Center Community College District North Centers Duty Day State of the North Centers Report Terry Kershaw, Vice Chancellor January 5, 2012
North Centers Mission Statement The mission of the Willow International, Madera, and Oakhurst Community College Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning outcomes. 2
North Centers Vision Statement The North Centers will achieve independent college status with a broad, technology-based curriculum that meets the individual educational needs of our clients in a global environment. We will provide access to people from diverse economic, demographic, intellectual, and technological communities. Our multi-faceted approach, including but not limited to, student contact, technological outreach, and building community partnerships, will provide a comprehensive system of learning opportunities and educational support service. 3
North Centers Core Values The faculty and staff of the North Centers dedicate themselves to these core values: Integrity Respect Flexibility Cooperation, Collaboration Initiative Responsibility Challenges Supportiveness Communication Diplomacy Mentorship Empathy Curiosity Participation Confidence 4
6 6 5
Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Commendations Student Services Appreciation for Diversity of Student Activities Library Liaison Committee Quality of Facilities and Technology Creating Associated Student Government Establishing & Maintaining a Culture of Openness and Inclusiveness 6
Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Recommendations (Unofficial) Institutional Functions Currently Housed at RC be Established at WI Prior to Application for Initial Accreditation Own processes related to Development and Oversight of Instructional Programs Academic Senate Curriculum Committee Articulation Function Processes for Support of Institutional Planning and Governance (e.g., Program Review) Classified Senate 7
Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Recommendations (Unofficial) Alignment of SCCCD and college plans and planning processes District Strategic Plan Facilities Technology Organizational Reporting Relationships of Centers Location of Signature Programs Funding Allocation Human Resources Research Capacity 8
Accreditation Team Evaluation Report Recommendations (Unofficial) Self Study Report Prepared in Accordance with ACCJC Institutional Self Evaluation Manual District process for Review of Board Policies Established 9
Organizational Relationship of Centers Willow International Center CEO- Exclusive to WI Center Only Eligibility Requirement #4 Transitional Staffing Plan Madera Center/Oakhurst Site Alignment- Reedley College Administrative Faculty and Classified Senates Staffing Plan Grants Other Future Alignment with Clovis Community College 10
WI Transition Plan Administrative, Classified, Certificated Staff Immediate Staffing Plan Prior to Team Visit in October, 2013 High Priority When Initial Accreditation Granted (2014) Operations Additional Staffing Based upon future growth 11
Integrated Planning Educational Master Plan Strategic Plan Enrollment Management Technology Student Success Matriculation Facilities Program Review 12
SCCCD Planning Strategic Plan Facilities Master Plan Signature Programs Future Bond Measures District Resource Allocation Model (DRAM) Organization District Unit Services Program Reviews Technology Plan Workforce Economic Development 14
Budget Outlook Trigger Cuts Statewide Community Colleges= $102 million Tier One $30 million cut statewide Fee increase ($36-$46/unit) effective summer 2012 SCCCD= $750,000 reduction (one time) Tier Two $72 million cut statewide SCCCD= $1,775,000 (Workload Reduction) SCCCD $6.7 million ongoing reduction from cuts 15
Budget Outlook (con’t.) North Centers Categorical Programs (Grants) Lottery Funding SCCC Foundation 16
State Budget Outlook Legislative Analysis Office (LAO) Forecast State Deficits = $12.8 billion = $8.8 billion = $8.5 billion = $6.4 billion = $5.4 billion 17
Textbook Rental Program Available Spring Semester Can save approximately 40% Not all textbooks are rentable Custom text or packages To find textbooks for rent and rental rates go to website www. 18
New Online Orientation Contracted with Cynosure (Fresno City College) Interactive Orientation for all students Pre & Post Test Alignment with SLO’s Components: General Introduction Getting Started Academic Programs & Services Student Services College Success Campus Life & Student Conduct Live February
Additional Initiatives Student Success Taskforce Recommendations Gainful Employment Data CSU Transfer Degree (SB 1440) Student Activities Admissions and Records Student Learning Outcomes High School Partnerships High School Curriculum Alignment Honors Program Website 20
Conclusion Challenges Continued funding reductions Fiscal Uncertainty Reduced Workload (FTES) Student Needs Increasing Willow International Center- Clovis Community College Madera/Oakhurst Centers Alignment- Reedley College Opportunities External Funding Sources Willow International Center- Clovis Community College Madera/Oakhurst Centers Alignment- Reedley College District Organization, Planning, Resource Allocation 21
Quote of the Semester “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you will have to trust that the dots will somehow connect your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Steve Jobs-Stanford University Commencement Address, 2005 Steve Jobs 2/24/55 – 10/5/11 22