By, David Anderson
Determine team members to collaborate on assessment. Create a written AT assessment plan: Determine assessment questions Expected results What will be measured Assign responsibilities among the team Set a timeline
Gather information: Student strengths Student needs Environmental expectations Tasks (responsibilities) Current level of performance (baseline data) Barriers to participation and independence
Analyze information to identify tools and strategies for the trials: Determine the features needed Choose tools with appropriate features Acquire demos or trial programs Set timelines Prepare data collection recoding method (progress monitoring)
Conduct the trials with identified tools: Students use tools and strategies in customary environment for identified tasks Collect data and monitor progress
Analyze data: Report the results of the trials Re-visit the assessment question(s) to determine the progress Determine the most appropriate tool(s) and strategies or if additional trials are needed
Document recommendations in written form following district assistive technology procedural guidelines: Summarize tools that were and were not successful Document appropriate tools and potential impact on student achievement
Document required tools and strategies in student’s plan! Develop implementation plan Instructional/access areas in which were explored during the trial Summary of specific skills assessed Written action plan including team member role and responsibilities
Word processors: Outlining programs: Spell checkers: Concept mapping and graphic organizers: Multimedia presentations and creativity:
Web-quests: Previously designed online to help students gather information about a particular topic. This helps keep the student on task by directing his or her internet search, focusing on using information rather than looking for it. Refer to
Text reading systems (text to voice): Word prediction: Software for organizing ideas: Speech recognition: Personal information managers: Authoring software
Tape recorders: Post its Highlighter pens Pencil grips White boards More examples can be found at:
Reading pens: