College Preparation : When and how much? Complete Learning Academy
Most College Students Don’t Earn a Degree in 4 Years. “The vast majority of students at American public colleges do not graduate on time” “Four-Year Myth” “The reality is that our system of higher education costs too much, takes too long and graduates too few” New York Times Dec 1, 2014
Why? High school’s curriculum does not truly align with what most university wants Too much attention on “fancy stuffs” and not much attention in careful, thorough reexamination of fundamental concepts AP courses don’t always prepare students for studying in college There are too much materials in high school text books that most teachers skip Too much emphasis on college entrance compared to proper college preparation
Then What Should We Do? Plan Early Be not be afraid to Experiment Study thoughtfully
Plan Early? When? Ideally 8 th grade Four years is needed to complete core courses before college application Boosts chance of being accepted into more prestigious program People may need to change their plan
My Child is 11 th Grade, Right NOW! Not too late Analyze the wishes, strength, weakness, and status of your child Decide together the Grand scheme for the future Agree upon a set of realistic academic achievements that fits into the Grand scheme. Help the child focus their life towards key objectives in the Grand Scheme.
Ideal Timeline Until about 4 th grade Be flexible and explore diverse activities. Remember that your child is unique and different concentrate on academic fundamentals and practice on different ways to view things and new ways to come to the answer of a problem Exceptions may exist
Young Child (cont.) Remember, NOT better NOR worse. Just different Explore, Experiment Seek out new experiences Learn what is different about your child Learn in what ways your child is similar to others Try not to force too much activity on the child Let them be a child The duty of learning isn’t just on the child. It is also on the parents
5 th to 7 th Grade Make sure the child gets diverse experience Encourage the child to try many different works in many different places. Explore short term employment in real workplaces. Encourage them to read lots of books of all kind Keep on working on the fundamentals Encourage them to experiment and find new ways to answer questions they encounter during studying. Let them learn about the backgrounds behind why their trial worked or failed
8 th Grade, THE BIG YEAR! Develop rough ideas to the desired career Identify the academic majors relevant to the career Consider the alternatives Research what AP courses, Subject Tests, and activities that are relevant to the majors discussed Chart the academic path for next FIVE years that is optimized to studying the chosen majors
9 th Grade: First Piece of Academic Puzzle Aim for at least one SAT subject test Aim for one AP course If neither is possible, consider taking a relevant local college course Don’t be afraid to seek help
10 th Grade : The MAIN Game?! What happens in 10 th grade will probably end up dictating what will be on the student’s college application Be ambitious Try for two SAT Subject tests, at least one AP Course, and/or some relevant courses in local college Take some risk Find a part time work opportunity related to the dream career job
11 th Grade : Focus!! This is the last full academic year before college application. Must try to finish the AP course that is most important to the dream major If possible, also do one other AP course, SAT subject test, or a college course This extra course can be vital for a student’s college life A student may do more, but that might be risky
12 th Grade 1 st Semester: Final Stretch Part I Use all available test dates Try at least one SAT Subject test DO NOT suddenly start NEW afterschool activity nor new part time work Consider taking at least one AP Course relevant to the dream major Do not be afraid to seek help
12 th Grade 2nd Semester: Final Stretch Part II DO NOT LET THE STUDENT SLACK OFF!!! Students must try to learn more than expected or required Seek out part-time work experiences or college research experiences For those that didn’t make it to their dream school or major, start charting a new path to eventually arrive at the dream major or career jobs. Many students take an unconventional roundabout path to eventually go to graduate schools of their dream It is still possible for most students to arrive at the graduate or professional degree program of their dreams even if they didn’t get accepted to their dream undergraduate institutions. Find out how, and chart a new path if needed
From Ideal to Reality What to do right now
My Child is 8 th Grade Right Now If your child already knows what he likes to be doing about 10 years from now, then formulate the academic path well designed to arrive at that dream job If your child is still undecided, encourage him to form some ideas about the future between now and the summer vacation Encourage your child to try out new activities and/or part-time works. At this age, diversity is much more important compared to concentration or focus
My Child is 9 th Grade Right Now Decide or confirm the dream major and the fall back major Explore academic possibilities for the 10 th grade Consider preparing for a SAT Subject test if possible. Consider taking a summer course from nearby colleges If needed, try to persuade the school to let the child take the courses according to child’s Grand Scheme
My Child is 10 th Grade Right Now Figure out what are no longer possible and what may be a good replacement Don’t lose hope. A student currently in 10 th grade may still end up finishing two more AP courses and three more SAT Subject Tests before college application deadline with appropriate guidance Start concentrating time and attention to activities and subjects of higher priority
Key to Successful College Life Develop steady study habit and maintain it until they graduate from college Never be satisfied in doing just enough for the immediate needs. Always explore and research the related academic contents have as different a job experience as possible Never be afraid to seek academic help. Even Einstein received math help from his friends after he already published papers for which he won the Nobel Prize