ED505 University of West Alabama Stacy Hein
Assistive Technology Assistive Technology is defined as devices that extend the abilities of an individual in ways that provide physical access and sensory access. It may include, but is not limited to wheelchairs, braces, Braille, closed captioning, and technological devices.
Assistive Technology Laws Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA): guarantees that eligible children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education, designed to meet their unique educational needs. Technology-Related Assistance Act: promotes awareness of, and access to, assistive technology devices and services.
IEP and 504 IEP (Individualized Education Plan) – a plan that is specifically designed for the student. It involves the student, educators and parents, and sets into place a plan to help the student succeed. Every public school student, who receives special education services, must have an IEP. 504 Plan – a plan that expresses the modifications and accommodations that will be needed for a student to perform at the same level as their peers.
Assistive Technology for Specific Needs Assistive technology aids students with physical and learning disabilities. It helps to develop students’ independence, and increases their ability to learn and perform in a school environment. The following examples include assistive technology for students who are: * Hearing Impaired* Physically Disabled * Seeing Impaired* Learning Disabled
Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Hearing Impaired The term assistive technology can refer to any device that helps a person with hearing loss or a voice, speech, or language disorder to communicate. * Assistive listening devices help to amplify sounds. * Augmentative and alternative communication devices help with communication disorders. * Alerting devices send out a sound or a blinking light to let someone know when an event is taking place
Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired Students who are blind may require the use of canes and text-to-Braille converters. Students who are visually impaired may require the use of computer screen magnification, or other technological devices to enlarge or read written material.
Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Physically Disabled Some physical disabilities require the use of an assistive device (for example, a wheelchair or walker). Other disabilities such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis, may also affect the student’s ability to stand, walk, sit or move around. Other physical disabilities include, but are not limited to, poor muscle control, or limitations of hand functions. These may require the use of assistance with writing.
Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Learning Disabled Learning disabilities are a group of disorders that have a negative impact on learning. They may affect one’s ability to speak, listen, think, read, write, spell or compute. Learning disabilities include: dyslexia, dysgraphia, aphasia, dysphasia, processing disorders, and nonverbal learning disorders. Students who are learning disabled may need any of the following assistive technology: Speech to text devices Note taking devices Calculators Software for editing
References American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | ASHA. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, LD Explained | What Are Learning Disabilities? (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, Physically Handicapped Students. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. Welcome to the IRIS Center. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2014.