Skeletal System Test Friday, January 11th
REVIEW DSQ 32B Clean Notes—Organized OBJ Main Functions of Skeletal System 13 Main Bones Fill out Worksheet Cut out bones by Friday, January 4 th
SKELETAL SYSTEM Main Function of Skeletal System A) Support the body B) Protect the body Skeleton- is a hard structure that supports and protects an animals body. Bones- hard structures made of living cells and minerals. A human has 206 bones—most do
DSQ 33A Bones-Put together CH will be here in the near future REVIEW 13 Bones 2 main functions of Skeletal System What bones and skeleton are… OBJECTIVES To understand the types of bones (Skull, Backbone, Trunk, & Arm & Leg bones do)
Bone Types Skull—surrounds and protects the brain Protects your brain Bones don’t move Babies skulls are in many small pieces to allow for the birth Ossification---when bones harden as babies grow older
Bone Types Backbones 26 small hollow bones Form a tube to protect the spinal cord
DSQ 33B Quiz Questions Bones Quiz REVIEW 13 Bones 2 Main Functions Skull Bones Protection of Brain & Spinal Cord OBJ The other 3 types of bones trunk and arm & leg bones What is cartilage & Calcium What are the 4 types of joints 2 Assign Worksheet
Bone Types Trunk Bones Ribs & hip bones 12 pair of ribs Protects-----Ribs= lungs, heart Protects-----Hips=kidneys, intestines, and bladder
Bone Types Arm & Leg Bones Long bones A) Arm-Humerous B) Leg-Femur Hands & feet-----short bones A) Palm 5 bones B) Fingers on one hand 14 bones
Cartilage Cartilage— tough bendable material that cushions bones—ears & nose Calcium- a mineral that makes bones hard
DSQ QUIZ-Correct Correct 2 WS & Score REVIEW 13 Bones 2 Main Functions Types of Bones (4 Types) OBJ 4 Types of joints & an example Ligaments & Sprains Assign WS
4 Types of Joints Joints- Where bones are joined together JOINTEXAMPLE FixedSkull Ball & Socket Hip & Shoulder HingeElbow & Knee PivotWrist & Ankle
Ligaments Ligaments-Strong tough fibers that hold bones together at joints Looks like a cord—stretches easily Sprain- occurs when ligaments tear or stretch away from the bones
DSQ 34A Correct 2 Worksheets Test Friday, January 11 th REVIEW 13 bones Main Function Protection---Ribs, skull, backbones, hips 4 Types of bones 4 Types of joints & an example OBJ Two types of fractures Common Bone Names Essay Question Assign 2 Worksheet
Fractures Simple Fracture- a break in the bone Compound Fracture- a break in the bone and skin It may take four weeks to a year for a bone to heal
COMMON & SCIENTIFIC NAMES Skull Cranium Lower JawMandible CollarboneClavicle Breast PlateSternum Shoulder BladeScapula Knee CapPatella Shin boneTibia FingersPhalanges The bone that doesn’t tell the truthFibula (it lies!)
Essay—How are the arm and leg similar Both the shoulder and hip start with a ball and socket joint In arm-Humerus and In leg-femur are long bones Hinge joint of knee & elbow Lower arm & leg branch into two bones. Leg=tibia & fibula Arm=ulna & radius Pivot joint of wrist & ankle Hand & feet are made of short bones
DSQ 34B Correct 3 worksheets & score Test-Friday, January 11 th REVIEW 13 Bones 2 Main functions Bones, skeleton, cartilage, joints, calcium, Ligament, and sprain 4 Joints & an example Protection: ribs, hips, backbones, skull OBJ Clicker Quiz Preview Test Assign 1Worksheet
DSQ Quiz Correct worksheet & score Correct & Assign ‘CH’ REVIEW 13 Bones 2 Main functions Bones, skeleton, cartilage, joints, calcium, Ligament, and sprain 4 Joints & an example Protection: ribs, hips, backbones, skull OBJ Preview Test Assign Worksheet (2)
DSQ 34B Correct 3 worksheet & score Test-January 11 th REVIEW 13 Bones 2 Main functions Bones, skeleton, cartilage, joints, calcium, Ligament, and sprain 4 Joints & an example Protection: ribs, hips, backbones, skull OBJ Preview Test Clicker Quiz Test tomorrow