SCHOOL YEAR UPrint Usage Report UPrint: Wireless / Networked Student Printing Solution 1
Background Provost/Business Services Supported Initiative Green Initiative Output Managed Added Value Wireless Color Copy/Print Scan to 2
Timeline 3 YearSemesterStage 2007SUMMERInitial Testing and Layout FALLPilot Deployment - Richter Library 2008SUMMERDeployment - Coral Gables FALLStudent allocations launched 2009SPRINGLaw School deployed 2010SUMMERUpgrade and redesign
UPrint Upgrade – Summer 2010 PURPOSE To facilitate the growth and usage of the system To maintain the integrity and reliability of the UPrint Service Load balancing Improve peak hour capacity To provide service for users of 64 bit computers, a technology that is growing rapidly among the student population. To provide backup strategies needed due to the growth and usage of the system Enterprise deployment and improved usability Multiple server distribution 4
5 Before the Upgrade Everyone After the Upgrade and Redesign
Coral Gables Campus Today Printers Richter Library 13 Residence Halls + Common Areas 11 School’s Computer Labs 63 Law Library14 7 Source: Pharos Reports
UPrint allowance Spring/Fall: 100 UPrint credits Summer Sessions: 20 Uprint credits each 1 UPrint Credit = $1.00 Utilized for printing or copying ( B&W or color ) 8
YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON School Year School Year % Increment PRINTERS991012% Student Users17,014 21,86528% Pages Printed/Copied 11,653,001 14,693,73526% 9
10 Source: UM demographic data set / Pharos-Production UPRINT – Production School Year ScSchooName Users%Production % ASCOLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 6, % 3,984, % LWSCHOOL OF LAW 2,0729.5% 3,269, % BUSCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMIN 3, % 2,381, % COSCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION 2,0669.4% 1,142,7207.8% ENCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 1,3536.2% 827,0285.6% NUSCHL OF NURSING HEALTH STUDIES 1,0074.6% 682,1104.6% EDSCHOOL OF EDUCATION 1,0274.7% 620,8844.2% MUFROST SCHOOL OF MUSIC % 519,5193.5% ARSCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE % 356,7052.4% MSSCHOOL OF MARINE & ATM SCIENCE % 286,5322.0% MDMILLER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE % 255,7641.7% SPSPECIAL PROGRAMS % 188,7211.3% CSSCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES % 109,2100.7% GRGRADUATE SCHOOL 930.4% 42,0390.3% 00Students with no school 130.1% 27,5700.2% TOTALS 21,865100% 14,693, %
UPRINT Utilization - Year ACADEMIC YEAR STUDENTS * ( Plan 61 only – does not include Law Students) 12 Source: Canecard Does not include Law students UsageStudents% $ $25 3,95432% $25 to $50 3,00624% $50 to $75 2,32919% $75 to $ ,36319% Used ALL 8357% Total 12,487100%
13 UPrint Usage - Students (by Uprint credits) Academic Year ( Law School not included)
15 Source: Pharos Reports Printing Volumes by Area PrintersPRINTING AREAJOBS PRINTS COLOR B&W SHEETS % of Prints Duplex 5ARCHITECTURE64,710204,85177,981126,870192,4651.6%12% 21ARTS & SCIENCES - Education 63,135431,44531,602399,843360,1793.3%33% 10BUSINESS SCHOOL116,788795,347136,834658,513691,1626.1%26% 15COMMUNICATIONS78,801427,17177,651349,520396,6313.3%14% 3ENGINEERING49,939284,41932,851251,568186,7672.2%69% 14LAW186,6342,395,332159,2222,236,1102,172, %19% 13LIBRARY753,8035,629,309379,7055,249,6043,435, %78% 5MUSIC56,528360,90816,621344,287279,8922.8%45% 2NURSING15,927154,79133,103121,688107,7681.2%61% 9RESIDENCE HALLS384,5992,224,586190,7622,033,8241,449, %70% 2RSMAS5,02250,7836,49244,29131,5460.4%76% 2OTHERS17,094102,97616,55386,42391,9050.8%22% 101TOTAL1,792,98013,061,9181,159,37711,902,5419,395, %56%
Printing by Areas - % of printing 16 PrintersPrinting Area % of Prints 13LIBRARY43.1% 14LAW18.3% 9RESIDENCE HALLS17.0% 10BUSINESS SCHOOL6.1% 21ARTS & SCIENCES -EDUCATION3.3% 15COMMUNICATIONS3.3% 5MUSIC2.8% 3ENGINEERING2.2% 5ARCHITECTURE1.6% 2NURSING1.2% 2OTHERS0.8% 2RSMAS0.4% 101TOTAL100.0%
Printing Areas – By Duplex usage 17 PrintersPrinting AreaDuplex 13LIBRARY78% 2RSMAS76% 9RESIDENCE HALLS70% 3ENGINEERING69% 2NURSING61% 5MUSIC45% 21ARTS & SCIENCES -EDUCATION33% 10BUSINESS SCHOOL26% 2OTHERS22% 14LAW19% 15COMMUNICATIONS14% 5ARCHITECTURE12% 101TOTAL56%
School Year million pages printed 1.8 million print jobs 1.2 million color pages 1.3 million copies 9.3 million sheets of paper 19
September 2010 THANK YOU 20