Horse Terms
Mare Female horse Usually after having an offspring.
Filly Young female horse
Brood Mare Mare that is used strictly for breeding
Stallion Male horse STUD
Colt Young male horse
Gelding Castrated Male Horse
Foal Young Horse male or female
Hand Unit of measurement for horses 4 inches
Pony A breed of horse that is under 14.2 hands.
Light Horse Most horses, riding size. Above 14.2 hands 800 – 1200 lbs.
Draft Horse Work horses Above 14 hands 1100 – 2500 lbs
Neigh The sound a horse makes!
Mustang Wild horse Directly descended from those brought over from Spanish settlers
Herd A group of horses
Equine The species called:
Foaling The act of parturition
Horse Colors
Bay: brown coloring with black points.
Sorrel: A very light red or copper shade of brown
Dapple Gray: little dots of color all over to look like a solid color from afar.
Paint: usually white with big patches of brown or black.
Appaloosa: some form of small spotting. 1 st per. 1/20
Palomino: gold coat with a light mane and tail 6 th per. 1/20
Buckskin: light tan color with black points
Fleabitten: looks like small white eraser marks all over base coat color.
Dun: light tan color with black points & black stripe down center of back.
Roan: a solid color with little white hairs interspersed throughout the coat.
Chestnut: a darker red shade of brown.
A ewe is to sheep as a ____________ is to horses
A kid is to goat as a _________ is to horses
A steer is to cattle as a __________ is to horses
A ram is to sheep as a ___________ is to horses
Bleat is to sheep as _____________ is to horses