Developer’s Integration Lab Introduction to the Developer’s Integration Lab (DIL) Mario Hyland Sr. Vice President, 1, Inc. has extensive experience with both public and private sector health IT initiatives: eHealth Exchange (formerly NwHIN) IWG / Healtheway Inc (Partnered with CCHIT) NIST Health Information Technology Testing Infrastructure (HITTI) (Partnered with Booz Allen) HIMSS Interoperability Showcase IHE CONNECT-a-thon Support OSEHRA on Challenges facing Interoperability Experience 2
In our experience, we recognize a number of technical as well as organizational roadblocks to successful exchange of healthcare information Here are two of the stories that stand out to us the most: Upwards of 7 Layers (challenges) to Interoperability CIO control over their extended-IT Domain Industry 3
As both public and private sectors plan for current and future initiatives, it is important to recognize and mitigate the following risks: For those Large Federal Health Programs (focused on integration) Interoperability and conformance testing should be built into the entire software development lifecycle (agile) The importance of true independent (3 rd party) testing For Health Systems and other Organizations Compliant Product (Vendors who prove Interoperability) Proven Technical Stacks (challenges) Risks to Planned Initiatives 4
How to Ensure Interoperability Test Driven Development (TDD) Put the testing tools into the hands of the Developers during the development life cycle, do not test at the end it’s “Too Late” Testing should begin as soon as development Functional (Conformance) Testing alone will not ensure Interoperability with External Partners Focus towards testing Specifications, and ensuring backwards compatibility Gateway-to-Gateway communications Solution 5
How does AEGIS ensure Interop We offer an open-source, cloud- and web-based solution - Developers Integration Lab (DIL) – that can support these types of initiatives throughout their lifecycle and includes the following features/business value: Support Test early, Test often (anytime anywhere) Developer focused Self Service Lab available 24/7 Consolidated (One) Lab Bi-Directional (Request / Response) message Disruptive Technology, SAAS and IAAS 6
DIL SOA Architecture 7
We are working to set up an Interoperability Working Group with OSEHRA to promote open source tools for interoperability and conformance testing Our kick-off meeting will be held on November 28 th both in-person and available online as a Sprint Planning and Review Session around the DIL open source project Please RSVP at the booth outside of the conference rooms Open Source Project - DIL 8
Currently the DIL is supporting: HHS/ONC VLER Support Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) testing of CONNECT Open Source Gateway ( eHealth Exchange Healtheway Inc Compliance Testing (Conformance & Interoperability) EHR/IHE Interoperability Workgroup 15 State HIE members Numerous EHR Product Vendors NIST Health Information Testing Tools Infrastructure (HITTI) Apply our experiences gained with the DIL Where is the DIL being used 9
In our opinion, success will ensure: “Interoperability on a Global scale” “Test Early, Test Often” to keep up with changing specifications and requirements Our Mission “Ensuring Interoperability into the 21 st Century” Success 10
Contact Us Mario G Hyland Sr. Vice President (703) x707 (301) (c), Inc Research Boulevard, Suite 500 Rockville, MD DIL URL: 11