Leonardo Da Vinci Max Ames
A Brief Description of His Life Born in Vinci in 1452 At the age of 15 he is apprenticed by Verrocchio whose workshop is known as one of the finest in Florence He creates some of the most well-known paintings in the world including: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and Virgin of the Rocks In 1519, he dies.
Characteristics of Da Vinci’s Paintings Oil Painting Underpainting Monochromatic Shadows Sfumato Rocky Landscape Chiaroscuro Pointing Finger
Oil Painting Leonardo laid on oil paint like one would with tempura and gave his paintings subdued coloring and an extremely smooth nature
Underpainting Leonardo would create a detailed underpainting in a neutral gray or brown. He would then apply his colors in transparent glazes on top. Sometimes the underpainting would show through the color and help to give the painting form.
Monochromatic Shadows Leonardo would make the focus point of the painting far away so that the shadows would be closer to monochromatic. Facial features were not strongly defined, instead they were shown through blended variations in tone and color.
Sfumato Leonardo would soften colors and edges with dark glazes. The word sfumato comes from the Italian fumo, which means smoke. This is because the technique makes the painting appear as though all of the edges have been obscured by a haze of transparent shadows or smoke. Sfumato has also been called “Leonardo’s Smoke.”
Rocky Landscape Leonardo used rocky landscapes as backgrounds to his paintings, which shows his interest in geology.
Chiaroscuro A style of shading that dominates tone (brightness) more than color
The Pointing Finger Leonardo often placed in his paintings figures enigmatically pointing their fingers upwards…
St. John the Baptist
St. John in the Wilderness (Bacchus)
The Last Supper
Virgin and child with St. Anne and St. John
The Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa is recognized as the most famous painting in the world. Mona Lisa is to Paintings as Rudolph is to reindeer
Composition Leonardo used a pyramid design to place the woman in. Her folded hands form the front corner of the pyramid. Her breast, neck and face glow in the same light that models her hands
Hands and armrest The hands are crossed to show that she is a virtuous woman and faithful wife. The armrest of the chair she is in divides the viewer from the Mona Lisa
Background The background is a rocky landscape that shows a path winding back into icy mountains. The curves in the landscape echo the curves of the woman’s hair and clothing
Sfumato Just look at it….. Oh… and also, the background on her left is elevated more than than the background on her right.
The Virgin of the Rocks
Some facts There are two versions of the painting. It is odd for an artist who finished very little to repeat himself It was made to celebrate the Immaculate Conception Draws on the legend of Baby Jesus meeting John the Baptist on the flight into Egypt
Plants Dove plants = holy spirit Stains on the St. John’s wort suggest a martyr’s blood The creeper symbolizes constancy and virtue Heart-shapes leaves = love Palm leaves = victory