Sheila Fredericks spreadsheet (and contains my wiki information) Twitter: fredericks_tis Hashtag: #virtconlive
Digital Citizenship
My plan for each lesson… Watch video (usually as a group) Discuss video (usually as a group) Do an activity (individually or in groups) Create project (individually or in groups)
Overview Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12
Grades K-2 Animated videos Game activities Projects are pictures or e-books Wordles Songs and skits Emphasis on non-threatening but effective Students love animations!
Hector’s World Video Hector’s world
Faux Paw Adventures in the Internet
Discussion ideas for movies What happened in the story? What did he/she do wrong? What should he/she have done? Has this ever happened to you? Other ideas? Please put in chat and/or spreadsheet.
Activity: Surf Swell Island (Australian)
Project Ideas Creative projects: Tux paint or other drawing program Create an e-book in a program such as Little Bird Tales Take home coloring pages from Hector’s world Drawing worksheet (next page) Wordle Skits, sing-a-longs, videos
Song from Discovery Education Keep Safety Roo Teen: Surf the Net -3A7B-40E9-A671-74CA2D9CD531 or A7B-40E9-A671-74CA2D9CD531 Sing-a-long, skits, movies/paper slides background music…more ideas?
Grades 3-5 Students are able to do more in-depth projects I still use animated movies and game based or fun activities
Grade 3-5 Brainpop movie: digital etiquette
Copying-Plagiarism Movie Discovery Education video segment from “The Internet: A Guide for Students” DF-BD0A-33F4FDF39D3E or DF-BD0A-33F4FDF39D3E
Activity Privacy Playground: The First Adventure of The Three CyberPigs
Project Ideas Comic strip Voki Glogster Photoshop
Grades 6-8 Students becoming social Less supervision Using more social media Most use Smartphones
Video Netsmartz Post to be Private video Students learn about basic privacy settings
Cyberbullying movie Let’s Fight It Together
Activity Top Secret. Scenarios and questions on what to put online top-secret.swf top-secret.swf
Cyberbullying Project (to go with “Joe” movie) Voicethread
Prezi Project Prezi 8 th grade Prezi presentation on “Facebook” networking/ networking/
Grades 9-12 Some ideas to consider: High school students are very social and vulnerable. They need to be wanted and accepted. They are impulsive. They don’t think about the rules they were taught. They not only need to be careful about being a victim, they need to know what is illegal—what can get them in trouble. What they upload and download.
Social Media Video Everyone Knows Your Name video against-children/everyone-knows-your-name/ or against-children/everyone-knows-your-name/
Social Media Video Safe Connects PSAs: How to Lose Tomorrow’s Job connects-psas/ OR connects-psas/ This site has quite a few videos
Digital Law video Digital Law-Illegal music downloads Another great demo for students for students to create their own movie.
Reputation movie Privacy & Reputation Online movie: What you post online can make a difference in your future.
The top 10 ways teens are fooling their parents include : ( ) Clearing the browser history (53%) Close/minimize browser when parent walked in (46%) Hide or delete IMs or videos (34%) Lie or omit details about online activities (23%) Use a computer your parents don’t check (23%) Use an internet-enabled mobile device (21%) Use privacy settings to make certain content viewable only by friends (20%) Use private browsing modes (20%) Create private address unknown to parents (15%) Create duplicate/fake social network profiles (9%)
Project ideas Voki Voicethread Prezi Skits Videos Podcasts/mp3s Paper Slides Webquests Wordle Teach Younger Students Ask your students This age group loves creating & group projects
Wrap-up: General Project ideas Create a picture that explains what they learned Create a poster or Glog (can have a contest!) Use Voki to have the students describe what they learned Have students create a skit on what they learned, how it affects them, and how it affects others. Use Blabberize Create a comic Use Voicethread Roleplay Create a movie Create paper slides Create a podcast/mp3 Create a Prezi Create a Webquest Wordle Teach younger students
Other links Common Sense Media Lessons has a complete curriculum to use in your K-12 classroom. Great lessons, videos, and projects to use.Common Sense Media Lessons Digital Education Revolution information for primary and secondary, as well as, parents.Digital Education Revolution Media SmartsThis site has resources for all grades in every aspect of digital citizenship! This is a GREAT resource!Media Smarts two great sections: Internet Safety (for adults & older students) & Internet Safety for kids Internet SafetyInternet Safety for kids How to Teach Internet Safety K-6 This site also has great resources.How to Teach Internet Safety K-6
Sheila Fredericks Questions? spreadsheet Twitter: fredericks_tis Thank you!
spreadsheet Twitter: fredericks_tis