U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science BERAC Meeting September 5, 2008 J. Michael Kuperberg Acting Division Director Climate and Environmental Sciences Climate and Environmental Sciences Division
Solicitation updates 1. Science Program 2.Environmental Remediation Sciences Program 2008 Annual Call 2008 Annual Call Transuranics SFA Call Transuranics SFA Call
Program highlights Japan Meteorological Agency Adopts DOE Funded Cloud Science to Improve Global Precipitation Forecasts Japan Meteorological Agency Adopts DOE Funded Cloud Science to Improve Global Precipitation Forecasts Accelerated Arctic land warming and permafrost degradation during rapid sea ice loss Accelerated Arctic land warming and permafrost degradation during rapid sea ice loss Changing Atmosphere Could Drive Forests to Use More Water Changing Atmosphere Could Drive Forests to Use More Water
Program highlights (cont.) Special Session at AGU Highlights Climate Change Program Field Experiments Special Session at AGU Highlights Climate Change Program Field Experiments PNNL Aircraft Facility Receives “Gold Standard” Recognition PNNL Aircraft Facility Receives “Gold Standard” Recognition LBNL Researchers Win R&D 100 Award for Phylochip Development LBNL Researchers Win R&D 100 Award for Phylochip Development
Facility highlights ARM Climate Research Facility update and highlights ARM Climate Research Facility update and highlights EMSL update and highlights EMSL update and highlights
Staff updates Roger Dahlman detailed to Office of Science, Climate Change Science Program Roger Dahlman detailed to Office of Science, Climate Change Science Program
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy R&D 100 Award Berkeley Lab PhyloChip wins R&D 100 award. The Phylochip is an example of microarray technology designed to rapidly detect the presence of microorganisms in environmental samples using cultivation-independent methods. Phylochip development was co-funded by the ERSP and GTL programs within BER. Researchers within LBNL Earth Sciences Division have a developed a microarray based technique known as the PhyloChip for detecting microorganisms in a wide variety of environmental samples. The technique allows scientists to rapidly screen for thousands microbial species using an analytical package about the size of quarter. The PhyloChip has already seen use in public health testing, medical diagnostics, and environmental cleanup projects and is continuing to find new applications within the scientific community, commercial sectors and other Federal agencies.
Major New Computational and Experimental Capabilities at EMSL Chinook is EMSL’s third-generation HPC system HP selected as vendor Final system: 162 TeraFlops Milestones: 2/07/08: Test cluster delivered 4/25/08: Phase 1, onsite assembly complete 7/22/08: Phase 1 acceptance Early August: User migration initiated Mid August 2008: Removal of 2 nd -generation HPC system and delivery of Phase 2 hardware Late September 2008: Final acceptance FY07 - Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (Tof SIM) FY09 – Chemical - Transmission Electron Microscope FY11 – Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIM) FY Tesla Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FTICR) Mass Spec
FY08 3 rd Quarter Measures of EMSL’s Scientific Impact ▪13 Journal Covers ▪6 pubs in Science, Nature or PNAS ▪278 User Publications ▪55% in Top-10 Journals