Web Pages
WebMatrix Microsoft WebMatrix is a free tool (stack) from Microsoft that developers can use to create, customize, and publish websites to the Internet. WebMatrix supports many different options to build sites. It integrates a web server with database and programming frameworks to create a single, integrated experience.
WebMatrix WebMatrix can be used to code, test, and publish ASP.NET, PHP and other open source technology based website. WebMatrix can be used to start a new website using popular open-source apps like DotNetNuke, Umbraco, WordPress, or Joomla.
WebStack A web stack, in its simplest sense, is the collection of components that a website needs in order to run. These components include the operating system, the web server, the database, and the runtime and programming framework that underpins the web application.
Web Pages (Razor C#) ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor Syntax is a web framework and part of WebMatrix. Razor is a simple to use, yet extremely powerful, programming syntax for inserting server-side code into web pages. An ASP.NET Web Page (.cshtml or.vbhtml) in WebMatrix, is a file that has two totally separate types of content: client-side server-side.
Web Pages (Razor C#) The client-side content of an ASP.NET Web Page can contain HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The server-side content contains code to be executed by the web server in C# (or VB.NET), which is used to create dynamic content and interact with other resources, such as databases and file systems.
Web Pages
Web Page
Razor Engine
Razor C# A single line of server-side code can be added to an ASP.NET Web Page using symbol. The code is added in-line with the client-side content, such as HTML, and is recognised and processed automatically by the web server, substituting the Razor code with relevant dynamic content. The current date and time
Razor var PageTitle = "My Home The current date and time
Razor C# - // This is a comment. var myVar = 17; /* This is a multi-line comment that uses C# commenting syntax. A one-line code This is a multiline code comment. It can continue for any number of lines. }
Razor C# - white space Extra spaces in a statement (and outside of a string literal) don't affect the var lastName = "Smith"; } A line break in a statement has no effect on the statement, and you can wrap statements for readability. However, you can't wrap a line in the middle of a string literal. You can use the concatenation operator (+). You can also use character to create a verbatim string literal
Razor C# - code blocks The number 12 * 4 ) Code var movies = new List (); movies.Add(“Guns of Navarone"); movies.Add("The Godfather"); movies.Add("The Godfather: Part II"); movies.Add("The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"); movies.Add("Pulp Fiction"); }
(var movie in movies) }
Razor var telephoneNumber = " "; } Please var stevelydford = "me"; } Follow me on twitter:
Razor C# - text, code, markup If you are nesting a block of client-side content within a server-side code block, it is necessary to wrap the content within an HTML element such as,, or Use the special outputs a single line of content containing plain text or unmatched HTML tags.
Razor (loggedIn) { Welcome The time now Have a nice day! }
Razor C# - HTML encoding All content output to the browser, using Razor, is HTML encoded for security purposes. This means that reserved HTML characters are converted to their equivalent codes for display on the page : a < symbol is converted to <.
Razor var message = "You must be logged in to use this site.";
Razor C# The server will send the following encoded HTML to the browser You must be <a href='login.cshtml'>logged in</a> to use this site.
Razor C# To prevent this encoding, use the Html.Raw() var message = "You must be logged in to use this site.";
Razor C# - Layout Complete control on the look and feel of the Web Page. Web Pages in a website generally have common items such as headers, footers, navigation and common application specific content. A Layout template cab be defined. This facilitates consistency of design and user experience.
Razor C# - Layout Content shared across the web site is placed in a partial page. The content of the partial page can be imported into the content page (requested page) ”); Normally, such pages are kept in the shared folder.
Razor C# - Layout Partial Page Content Page
_Header.cshtml.: Bapatla Engineering College::Bapatla :.
_Footer.cshtml Copyright © 2011 Bapatla Engineering College | All Rights Reserved
var PageTitle = "Branches @PageTitle
Razor C# - Layout template To create a common web page design throughout the website, Layout pages are used. Layout page contains the common content and design shared across all the pages. The Layout property of the content page is set to the path of the Layout page.
Razor C# - Layout template The content page when requested inherits the Layout page. When a request is made to the content page, the response serves the Layout page with the content page statement in the Layout page.
Razor C# - Layout template
Layout = "/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; var PageTitle = "Branches Offered"; CSE IT ECE EIE EEE
Razor C# At times, the content in the content page may be organized as different sections. A section is defined { } These sections can then be placed in the Layout page according to the required design ”). The content outside of any section is fetched
Razor C# - sections
Layout = "/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; var PageTitle = "Branches Offered"; CSE IT ECE }
Default.cshtml Civil Mech Chemical
Engineering College”; } Passing data to partial pages
Layout = "/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; var PageTitle = "Branches Offered"; CSE IT ECE Civil Mech
Default.cshtml Civil Mech Chemical
Razor C# - Helpers Helpers are another way to achieve DRYness in your site design. A helper is a custom component that can receive a list of parameters in a way similar to a method call, and return HTML (or any kind of client- content) to be rendered on the page. Helpers and functions must be created within a folder in the root of the website called App_Code. This folder name is an ASP.NET convention that automatically makes all code within it available for use in the rest of your application.
Razor C# - Helpers The App_Code folder can contain sub-folders, the contents of which will also be accessible to the code in the rest of the site.
Razor C# - Helpers A call to this helper method can be made within any page by using symbol followed by the filename and helper name, separated by a “USB 8 GB", 5.00)
Razor C# - Functions Functions are static methods that can be called from anywhere in the WebMatrix application. Unlike helpers, which can return only a block of HTML for rendering in the browser, a function can return any valid C# type.
Razor C# - Functions
Razor C# - Session State HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that a Web server treats each HTTP request for a page as an independent request. The server retains no knowledge of variable values that were used during previous requests. ASP.NET session state identifies requests from the same browser during a limited time window as a session, and provides a way to persist variable values for the duration of that session
Razor C# - Session State The ASP.NET session state facilitates to store and retrieve data per user, as they browse the web application. A session is started when the user first visits a page in the web site and ends either when the user closes the browser, or when the session “times out” due to inactivity after a predetermined period of time (set in IIS as twenty minutes, by default).
Razor C# - Session Variables Session variables are stored in a dictionary on the server, and are unique to each visitor per session. Session variables are exposed through the Session property of the WebPage object The Session variable collection is indexed by a string or an integer index. Session variables do not have to be explicitly added to the collection, they can simply be added or retrieved by referring to their name or index. By default, session variables can hold any valid.NET data type, including generic collections and custom objects.
Razor C# - Session Variables Session }else{ Visit Login Page }
Razor C# - Session if(IsPost){ Session["UserName"]=Request["uname"]; Response.Redirect("~/Default.cshtml"); } Login Page
Razor C# - Session Variables Welcome Bapatla Engineering College
Razor C# - Session Identifier All sessions created and maintained by the server are given a unique identifier, which is stored in the SessionID property of the page. Each new request for a page is examined to see if it already has a valid SessionID –if one is not present; the server starts a new session and assigns a new SessionID.
Razor C# - Cookies Cookies provide a means in Web applications to store user-specific information. For example, when a user visits your site, you can use cookies to store user preferences or other information. When the user visits your Web site another time, the application can retrieve the information it stored earlier. A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies requests and pages as they go between the Web server and browser. The cookie contains information the Web application can read whenever the user visits the site.
Razor C# - Cookies For example, if a user requests a page from your site and your application sends not just a page, but also a cookie containing the date and time, when the user's browser gets the page, the browser also gets the cookie, which it stores in a folder on the user's hard disk. Later, if user requests a page from your site again, when the user enters the URL the browser looks on the local hard disk for a cookie associated with the URL. If the cookie exists, the browser sends the cookie to your site along with the page request. Your application can then determine the date and time that the user last visited the site.
Razor C# - Cookies Response.Cookies[“LastVisit"].Value = "patrick"; Response.Cookies[“LastVisit"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie(“LastVisit"); aCookie.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); Response.Cookies.Add(aCookie);
Razor C# - != null){ You visited this page at Request. Cookies[“LastVisit"].Value) }
Razor C# - var lv=""; if(Request.Cookies["LastVisit"]==null){ Response.Cookies["LastVisit"].Value= DateTime.Now.ToString(); }else{ lv=Request.Cookies["LastVisit"].Value; Response.Cookies["LastVisit"].Value=DateTime.Now.ToString(); } Response.Cookies["LastVisit"].Expires= DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); }
Razor C# - Cookies Welcome to Bapatla Engineering You Last Visited this page }