Google Earth for Digital Earth Teaching and Learning Feng Qi, Department of Geology & Meteorology Kean University
What is Google Earth Google Earth Interface Newark in 3D Watchung Mountains
How to obtain a copy Download free version: Plus version ($20)—too bad, discontinued : - GPS device support - faster performance - import spreadsheets - higher resolution printing Pro version ($400): - GIS data import, etc.
Interactive view satellite (aerial) images over topography (historical images V.5) Vast amount of information on Placemarks accessible online Measure distance, elevation, position Customize: overlay your own image or map or GIS data (for GIS data, with pro version) New with Google Earth 5: Ocean, Mars, historical images. Google Earth Functions
See the past Map the current Model the future What you can do with it
Google Earth Guides/Tutorials Click links below to access the corresponding websites: – Google Earth Virtual Tour Google Earth Virtual Tour – Google Earth users guide Google Earth users guide – How Google Earth works How Google Earth works – Google Earth Manual for Earth Science Teachers ( you can also request a copy via ) Google Earth Manual for Earth Science Teachers
Data Sources Click the following links to connect to the online data resources: Google Earth Community Forums Google Earth Hacks Google Ocean Google Earth Explorer Google Sightseeing
Useful Data Sets Some Google Earth files downloaded from the websites mentioned on the previous page and cover the following topics: Real time earthquakes, global oil consumption, and many climate and weather characteristics Other data sets that can be found online: Current world volcanoes: age/0/vc/1 age/0/vc/1 US Census data by state by category: USGS Stream flow kml (can build real time streamflow kml): NRCS Water supply forecast data:
Free Tools to support Google Earth Click links to get access to the corresponding websites: GPS visualizer: convert GPS data to kmlGPS visualizer also with Coloring and resizing functions!Coloring and resizing functions Earth-plot, Earth-paint, Earth-shape: tools to create plot, image, contour layers in GEEarth-plot, Earth-paint, Earth-shape
Google Earth Applications in GeoScience Education Landscape Visualization Virtual field trips/pre-field trip study Measurement Spatial patterns and relationships Topographic Map Interpretation Help Decision-making with multiple data layers …
Google Earth Applications-cases ‘Google Earth in the classroom’ by Alan RogerGoogle Earth in the classroom ‘Teaching with GPS and Google Earth’ by Juicy GeographyTeaching with GPS and Google Earth’ ‘Google Earth map analysis’ by Aida AwadGoogle Earth map analysis A virtual tour or ‘pre-lab’ to prepare for a field trip by Erica Clinevirtual tour or ‘pre-lab Modeling sea level change with google earth on the gold coast: