McKnight's Physical Geography The Topography of Arid Lands Lectures Chapter 18 The Topography of Arid Lands Andrew Mercer Mississippi State University © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
A Specialized Environment Top – thinner soil Slope – very thin soil Foot – thicker soil Desert terrain stark and abrupt Desert special conditions Weathering – mechanical weathering dominant; slower weathering and angular particle formation Soil and regolith – soil is thin or absent, exposing bedrock Soil creep – minor due to lack of soil and lubricating effects of water
A Specialized Environment Desert special conditions (cont.) Impermeable surfaces – caprocks and hardpans; high water runoff Sand – some deserts have sand abundance, allows for water input into the ground, easily moved by rain and wind Rainfall – is the most important shaper of landscapes in DESERT country Wind – also matters, but less so than even occasional rain Even in very dry country, water is still the most important shaper of topography
A Specialized Environment Desert conditions Utah is semi-desert Basins of interior drainage – most dry-land watersheds do not drain into any ocean – Water usually evaporates before reaching the ocean or a large lake.
Running Water in Waterless Regions Running water most important external landform agent in dry country and desert Erosion tremendously effective with little plant cover Intensity of rain combined with impermeable land surfaces create intense runoff Unpredictable imbalance between erosion and deposition
Running Water in Waterless Regions Surface water in the desert Exotic streams – the Nile is an example of a river that originates in one region and flows through an alien region to some other destination. Ephemeral streams – periodically flow, result in intense erosion, transportation, and deposition Perennial – fulltime flow, year-round Desert lakes – playas and Salinas (dry salt lake beds), saline lakes C – more mild B climate - desert A climate
Running Water in Waterless Regions Fluvial erosion in arid lands Occurs during small portion of the year, flash floods Differential erosion – variations in slope and shape of landform from rock type variations Residual erosional surfaces – inselbergs (e.g., bornhardts), pediments Desert stream channels – ephemeral stream beds
Consider Mr. Allred’s yard – the rocky top of a hill was once the ‘armor-plated’ stream bed at the bottom of the hill. Eventually, everything else washed away, leaving the river bed as the new top of the hill.
Running Water in Waterless Regions Fluvial deposition in arid lands Talus accumulations at the foot of steep slopes Piedmont – zone at the foot of a mountain range Piedmont angle Basins of interior drainage covered with fine particles since flow volume and speed are low
The Work of Wind Wind as a sculptor is a relatively limited effect Air at the surface has nearly zero wind Wind speed increases with distance above ground
The Work of Wind Aeolian erosion Two effects, deflation and abrasion Deflation – shifting of loose particles via the wind, blowouts Abrasion – requires tools such as airborne sand and dust, sculpts landforms already in existence, ventifacts
The Work of Wind Aeolian (wind) transportation Only finest particles are carried in suspension as dust Dust storms Larger particles moved by saltation (curved trajectory) and traction (rolled or pushed) Creep by saltation
The Work of Wind Aeolian (wind) deposition Desert sand dunes Fine sand laid as thin coating; Desert sand dunes Some dune fields composed of unanchored sand, moved by local winds; slip face
The Work of Wind Desert sand dunes (cont.) Three most common dunes Barchan – individual dunes migrating across landscape; crescent shaped Transverse – supply of sand greater than for barchans; crescent shaped, but entire landscape made of these dunes Seifs – long, narrow dunes that are parallel; orientation seems to represent an intermediate direction between two dominant wind directions
The Work of Wind Common types of desert sand dunes
Loess Wind deposited silt Lacks horizontal stratification Great vertical durability Formation not well understood Millions of people have lived in silt caves across thousands of years. However, when such soils are WET they can collapse during an earthquake – thousands of people may get killed.
The Work of Wind Major loess (SILT) locations of the world
Two Representative Desert Landform Assemblages Notice the effect of water even in a desert – occasional, sharp rain can result in vast erosion. It is not a good idea to build or occupy ‘alluvial fans’ like the one below. River deltas are similar. Watch out.
Two Representative Desert Landform Assemblages Death Valley Excellent example of basin and range terrain Surrounding mountain ranges Basin filled with alluvium Salt pans and mobile dunes in the basin Notice that salt collects in basins after washing out of mountains.
Two Representative Desert Landform Assemblages Mesa-and-scarp terrain Mesa – flat topped surface Scarp – steep cliffs horizontal strata Some layers resist erosion well -- others erode quickly Harder rock lasts longer Softer rock erodes, allowing the whole formation to fail
Two Representative Desert Landform Assemblages Monument Valley – Utah/Arizona These features are the scattered remains of vast areas that were eroded and washed away. Only a few “hard spots” remain – the cap rock protected softer rock nearby or underneath. Once water got past the cap rock, the whole region washed away.
Two Representative Desert Landform Assemblages Badlands Overland flows from occasional rains develop tiny rills that expand into ravines or gullies Characterized by maze of ravines and gullies, lifeless and nearly impassable Arches and natural bridges A small amount of cap rock is all that remains of the entire formation. Cap rock protects the softer rock underneath. All of it will be gone very quickly.