Snohomish County PUD Mr. Wiederspohn
Today we are going to: Think, talk and work like scientists 10 teams - do 10 different experiments at the same time Present your findings Divide into 5 teams of experts A water pumping contest
The Scientific Method Q P D C
Sample Investigative Question How does brand of fishfood affect fishes’ growth rate? Manipulated variable is brand of fishfood Responding variable is fishes growth rate
What are these things? What do you notice?
Why would we want to build wind turbines?
How does a wind turbine work? Inputs?Outputs?
Thinking about your prediction What do you think you will discover after doing your experiment? Fill in the blank and circle more or less Teams 1-8 try to use the words “increase”, “decrease” You DO NOT change your prediction
When you are finished with your blade testing… 1. Do all testing- data chart filled in 2. Look for a trend (pattern) in the data/Compare your trend with your partner team? Retest if necessary 3. Put all materials back into your box 4. Work together to finish writing the conclusion. 5. (If you finish early)Complete the answers to the questions on page 2
My new job is to be part of an expert engineering team that must design and build the very best set of wind turbine blades. I cannot do this alone, therefore, success depends on all of us experts working together.
To get started have a meeting where each of you shares your recommendation and test data with your group. Record your findings on the giant poster. After everyone has had time to share their expertise, complete a detailed DESIGN PLAN that the team will follow when building your new set of SUPER BLADES!! Get your design plan approved by your teacher, then you are ready for your materials and you can start building.
Your Engineering Jobs: 1. Share your data and recommendations with the team 2. Complete a design plan 3. Build your blades according to your design. Remember, craftsmanship is important 4. Test/modify your prototype. 5. Record your test data, especially your maximum voltage output.
Blade Competition
What were the 5 different blade variables tested today? Number of blades Angle/pitch of the blades Weight/mass of the blades Length of the blades Shape of the blades
Name other blade variables that were not tested today
What other variables (besides blades) could be tested?
More controlled variables
Advantages of using wind to generate electricity Disadvantages
What blade variables do you think could affect electrical output? Number of blades Blade pitch Blade mass Materials used Blade length Blade shape/surface area Blade twist
You are now an EXPERT! Be ready for your next JOB! What variable were you testing? Did this variable have an effect on electrical output? What blade design do you recommend would be the best? Show the data that proves that your recommendation a good one.
Manipulated(changed) variable This is the variable that you are testing
Responding(measured variable) This is the variable that you are measuring
Controlled variables These are variables that stay the same
Testing Teams What is your QUESTION? Teams 1 and 2 will test Number of Blades Teams 3 and 4 will test Pitch (angle) of the Blades Teams 5 and 6 will test Mass (weight) of the Blades Teams 7 and 8 will test Length of Blades Teams 9 and 10 will test Shape of the Blades
Wind Energy is KINETIC ENERGY Kinetic energy is the energy of MOTION Wind is…….. AIR IN MOTION
Wind Turbine Perspective
Science is the study of ENERGY Energy= the universe E= mc 2
Where are wind projects built?
What creates wind?
How is a wind farm part of the entire electricity-generating system?
Where are wind farms built?
Conclusion: The ______________ of the blades had an effect on electrical output. We predicted that ………………. Our results showed that in order to increase electrical output you ……..
What variables do you think affect the power output from wind turbines? Wind speed Generators Size of turbine Gear ratio Location Blade design
Discussion Questions What variable has the greatest impact on power output? Can the data we collected today be related to full scale wind turbines? How? What are some advantages and disadvantages of wind power? What is the one thing you will remember the most about today’s lesson?
Conclusion: Our hypothesis stated that_________ ____________and was (correct/incorrect). Our set up with the highest electrical output at _(#)__ was _________ whereas the blade set up with the lowest electrical output at only __(#__ was __________. Therefore the best blade design would be _____________.