State Of the Environment Report - Live Beta Version 19 th February 2013 GC 27 UNEP Nairobi, Kenya
Content Stakeholder Engagement Roles Development Strategy Project Overview Web-based Interface GIS Technology Project Phases GIS Architecture Project Outcomes
Roles Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) AGEDI works with EAD, Partners, Members and Stakeholders in the Middle East region & throughout the world to achieve a more sustainable future through ‘best-impact’ access to environmental and societal data. Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) EAD is a governmental agency committed to protect and manage biodiversity, provide a clean environment and promote sustainable development in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) UNEP is the facilitator for environmental issues within the UN. Advocate for the sustainable development of the global environment. Arab Data Working Group (ADWG) ADWG was established because of the need for common Arab Indicators and Information Network. Primary: Technical Team: World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) WCMC is UNEP’s specialist biodiversity assessment body, and the Centre for UNEP’s collaboration with WCMC. Environmental Consultant: Determine the core set of environmental indices and indicators required by the GIS Consultant and WCMC to develop the SOER-Live Beta (Abu Dhabi) and West Asia SOER-Live GIS Consultant: Develop import/export tool, geo-processing tools and ESRI geo-database that integrates seamlessly into the SOER-Live application
Project Phases Phase 1 - 3: FeaturesFunctions Web User Interface (GUI) Menu to navigate reports, drop-down list to select data Import toolEnter data into SOER geo-database Report templateEdit and create a SOE report ChartsSelect bar or pie chart to display data Export toolShare information capabilities: Shapefile, WMS format SecurityActive Directory & ArcGIS Server SOM for user administration National data templateUpdate and modify SOE data template National report template Capability to update and modify SOE report Data administrationTick box to publish data to web site Improved help systemStep-by-step instruction, website & webinar videos Regional data templateCreate a regional SOE data template Regional report template Create a regional SOE report template PHASE 3 PHASE 1 PHASE 2
Stakeholder Engagement Aims And Objectives PHASEORGANISATION PHASE 1 EAD develop SOER-Live Beta for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi EAD publishes regular: Milestones Reports and screenshots 3-6 Early Adopters Countries act as observers PHASE 2 Invite 3-6 Early Adopters countries to participate. Feedback used to develop SOER-Live Beta Version 1 PHASE 3 Develop Regional SOER for the Arabian Peninsula
Development Strategy Simple, Functional & Robust: Maps to locate Menu to navigate reports Bar or pie chart Technical datafor scientists SOE Report SOER–Live is aimed to be an online reporting tool. Use common and widely used tools e.g. drop-down lists, menus, etc. Provide users a choice of charts and graphs to provide a graphic analysis of the data. Maps are used to locate the features, data and information stored in a geo- database.
Project Overview Aims And Objectives SOER – Live is envisaged as an online reporting tool to enable governments to develop the national State Of the Environment reports online. Provide a web-based State of Environment reporting application. Provide users a choice of charts and graphs to develop State of Environment report. Assist countries to produce a digital national State of Environment report. Countries collaborate to develop a digital regional State of Environment report.
Web-based Interface USER & BACK OFFICE INTERFACE: Indicators SOER-LIVE: GIS Technology : Back officeUser interface
GIS Technology LOW-HIGH TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS UPLOADLow techIntermediat e High tech Method CSV (text file format) Representation al State Transfer (REST) Service Web Feature Services (WFS) DevelopmentBasic Complex Production Costs Low - medium Cost effective, can be re- used. Low - medium Cost effective, can be re-used. High Cost- effective the service is modified and improved. DOWNLOADLow techIntermediat e High tech Method Pdf or GeoPdf Layers or map files Web Mapping Services (WMS) DevelopmentSimple Production Costs Low
GIS Architecture UNEP SOER-Live: GIS Technology ArcGIS Server technology Map services Image services Feature services Geo-processing services Standards-based services: HTML/JSON/REST Services ESRI Geo-portal Server OGC services (WMS) Phase 1 SOER-Live Beta ● Develop user web interface ● Develop user web Forms ● Integrate GIS and forms ● Implement REST Services Phase 2 SOER-Live Beta Version 1 ● Determine national data format ● Determine national indicators ● Determine national standards ● Implement REST/WMS/WFS Services Phase 3 SOER-Live ● Develop regional web form ● Develop regional template ● Determine regional indicators ● Implement REST/WMS/WFS Services Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD), UAE & 3-6 Early Adopters Countries GIS Technology ArcGIS Server technology Map services Image services Feature services Geo-processing services Standards-based services: HTML/JSON/REST Services ESRI Geo-portal Server OGC services (WMS, WFS, WPS)
Project Outcomes SOER-Live: Contributes to core set of Environmental Indicators Web-based system for data & information access or data sharing Environmental Sustainability Indicators Environmental Information Network