Create a Website on the CWU network Find “How to Post a Web Page with a PC”
1. Login to a CWU computer 2. Open My Computer (click on Start > My Computer> and locate your "I" drive (student "I" drives are named "Plato" or "Aristotle"):
3. Double-click on the "I" drive icon:
4. Double-click on your user name folder: 5. Double-click on the "public_html" folder. This folder is where all of your web documents must be placed for them to show on the Internet. Your home page must be named "index.html" (without the quotes but with the lowercase letters):
6. CWU's network scans for new index pages four times a day (5:30am, 12:30pm, 5:30pm, and 11:30pm). Once it detects a valid web page, you will be able to view your website at: user name) My user page…
Word offers a variety of options for creating new web pages. The user can simply open and start a new blank document or a new blank web page, use a template, or use one of the Word wizards. Each option allows the user to add content such as images and text to a document that will be converted to HTML format. To save the newly created document as a web page, go to File, Save As. Give the new web page a name that does not contain any spaces and is, preferably, eight characters or less in length. Click the arrow next to Save as Type and change the type from Word document to Web Page (*htm,*html). Word will automatically save the document in an HTML format and append the file extension.htm to the file name. It will also create a folder with the same name as the file plus _files and will store an XML instruction file and all image files within this folder. In other words, if I created a Word document and saved it as a web page, giving it the name jennifer, Word would create a file called jennifer.htm and a folder called jennifer_files. To publish my new web page to the Internet and have it appear correctly, you would need to make sure the file jennifer.htm and the folder jennifer_files plus its contents were all present in your web server directory.
The advantage of the Web Page option is that the page will look almost exactly like the printed document. The advantage of the Web Page, Filtered option is that the underlying code is much cleaner, the file size is significantly smaller, and most, if not all, of the look and feel of the original document is retained.
Word doesn’t handle a few features well while converting to HTML: “Smart” quotes
Spaces and Tabs Do not use them to line things up! Format with tables instead. Inside a table cell use for formatting. Use “Wrap Text” option to achieve formatting you want.
Files synchronization Once you save your file as a Web Page, you can work on it as a Web Page… but, keep in mind that your old Word document will no longer contain your latest edits. You can: Delete your old Word Document file and just work with the Web Page format from now on. Continue working with Word Document file and every time you save it, save it also in Web Page format.
If you plan on putting up your site to the web, be careful not to include any personal information you don't intend to release in the document info. Creating HTML with any Microsoft Office product other than Expression Web is generally a bad idea. Just because a program can save a file as HTML doesn't make it a web design software. There are many options available…