Weather Patterns and the Instruments used to Measure Weather By: Katrina Cimato May 12 th 2011 EDU 327
Focus Question How could I include literature within this learning experience?
School Information Alexander Hamilton Elementary School –Kenton School District
Participating Class Third Grade General Education Classroom –Cooperating Teacher: Cindy Morath –Students: 22 students; 11 girls and 11 boys –3 students with an IEP –1 with an in class aid; Miss Dawn
New York State Standards Learning Standard: MST MST Standard: Science Content Standard: Content (4) Area of Study: Physical Setting Key Idea: (2) Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water and land. Performance Indicator: (2.1) Describe the relationship among air, water and land on Earth
Time Required Planning –between1-3 hours Implementations –Four 45 minutes Science blocks Assessment – Final Unit Test 11 M.C questions 1 short answer Compare and Contrast chart Matching
Objectives 1.0 – With assistance from the teacher the learner will be able to orally state the different types of weather instruments with 95% accuracy With assistance from peers and teacher, the learner will be able to describe the different characteristics of a hurricane vs. tornado with 95% accuracy.
Essential Question What are the characteristics of storms and the dangers of each type? Hurricane Tornado Blizzard
Enduring Understanding Different types of storms have different characteristics and dangers
Guided Questions What is weather? What does a barometer measure? What does a hygrometer measure? What does a rain gauge measure? What is the atmosphere? What is a blizzard? What is a hurricane? What is a tornado? What is an anemometer? What is a wind vane?
Day 1 Diagnostic Assessment –Pretest was given to the students 11 M.C questions Went over vocabulary words
Day 1 Continued Read pages 5-8 in text book on different types of weather instruments –Highlighted important facts Watched 6 short clips on the Weather Instruments we read about Did a matching worksheet as a class
Day 2 Reviewed the different weather instruments (hygrometer, barometer, anemometer, wind vane, rain gauge) Read pages 9-15 in textbook –Highlight important facts Students are placed into groups to fill out part of a compare and contrast chart After class comes back together to fill it all out
Day 3 As a class we reviewed: –Weather instruments –Storms Played a matching review game in groups of three-four
Day 4 Summative Assessment –The students were given their unit test on Weather 11 M.C questions (pretest material) 1 short answer Compare and Contrast Chart Matching
Assessments Diagnostic – 11 M.C questions Formative –Working well with others and as a whole class –Filling out their study worksheets Compare and Contrast Chart and Matching Summative –Unit Test
Multiple Choice Data
Summative Data Distinguished Students – 100%-86% Proficient Students – 82%-73% Developing Students – 68% or below
Summative Data Continued
Developing Student Compare and Contrast
Developing Students Matching
Developing Students Grade 1 3
Proficient Student Compare and Contrast Chart Hurricane: Dangerous Starts over warm ocean Destroys everything its path Very high wind speed Caues great damge Both: Dangerous Causes great damge Very high wind speed Tornado: Quickly forms Causes great damage Very high winds Starts when there are very strong winds Destroys a lot
Proficient Student Matching
Proficient Student Grade 2 4
Distinguished Student Compare and Contrast Chart Hurricane: Dangeruse Causes great damage Forms over a warm ocean Strong winds Both: Dangeruse Causes great dameag Strong winds Tornado: Dangeruse Smaller than a hurricane Causes great dameag Sinning column of air that touches the ground Strong winds
Distinguished Student Matching
Distinguished Students Grade 3 6
Modifications: Instructional
Reflection Thank you to Catherine, Shannon, Amanda, and Rebecca who participated in the peer review for this learning experience. Thank you for all the suggestions especially the advice on bring in different storm sounds. And Thank you to Dr. Arnold for his advice and comments throughout the entire semester working on this L.E!