How to make play dough Hanna Rastas
Play dough is fun and easy way to play. It is easy to prepare and all the ingredients can be found in every home. You can make the dough together with children. It is non-toxic, so it isn’t dangerous if the child taste it.
The materials you will need 2 dl flour 1,5 dl salt 1,5dl water 1 tablespoon cooking oil
Making At first measure out 3 dl of flour and 1,5 dl of salt. Then add them into the bowl.
Making Add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil.
Making Lastly Measure out 2 cup of water and add it into the bowl.
Making Then mix up the ingredients. The dough is ready to be molded to when it’s soft and doesn’t stick.
Making Now you can mold to dough what ever you want. Bake works in oven at 125 degrees about an hour.
Making When works have cooled you can paint them with watercolors.
Vocabulary Play dough = taikataikina Ingredients = ainesosat Flour = jauho Salt = suola Tablespoon = ruokalusikka Cooking oil = ruokaöljy Food coloring = elintarvikeäri Measure = mitata Bowl = kulho Mix up = sekoittaa Be molded = muovailtava Stick= tahmea Bake = paistaa Oven = uuni Degrees = aste Cooled = jäähtynyt