conley design studio 4/21/2017 Dania Rexall Pharmacy Assessment & Improvements for Dania Rexall Pharmacy Merchant Assistance Application Grant Conley Design Studio Dale Cassen Education Complex
Existing Conditions View of Rx Area View of Counter View of Aisle conley design studio 4/21/2017 Existing Conditions View of Rx Area View of Counter Conley Design Studio View of Aisle Dale Cassen Education Complex
Existing Conditions View of Aisle View of Front Entry View of DME area conley design studio 4/21/2017 Existing Conditions View of Aisle View of Front Entry Conley Design Studio View of DME area Dale Cassen Education Complex
Business Recommendations conley design studio 4/21/2017 Business Recommendations Recommendations to Dania Rexall Pharmacy based on site review, observations and owner feedback. History & Observations: Current operation is a Good Neighbor Brand/ Rexall Pharmacy and convenience store The floor layout is typical gondola style shelving units throughout, with specialty sections that include: Diabetic shoe department Home Medical equipment, Surgical Supply Products range include: School & Office Supply Hair Products Beauty Supply Personal Hygiene Baby Products Toys Vitamins Gifts, Cards, Gift Wrap Candy Seasonal Items Snacks Wine OTC medications Bicycle Hardware Dollar store items Old Fashion Remedies health products Business was established in 1973, loyal customer base from neighboring areas Core Customer- local residents, pharmacy clientele Staffing consists of 6 cashiers, 2 office staff, 5 Pharmacy Technicians, 3 Pharmacists Sales volume of product type is not counted, lack of POS system in place Steady stream of pharmacy customers, retail customers is low Overall image of store is deteriorated, lighting is low level and products are not highlighted or identified to promote sales Product mix is random throughout store Conley Design Studio Dale Cassen Education Complex
Business Recommendations conley design studio 4/21/2017 Business Recommendations Recommendations to Dania Rexall Pharmacy is based on site review, observations and owner feedback. Recommendations: The Prescriptions department is very successful, the area has been improved recently with new counters. Organization and layout of the rest of the store is needed. Competitive advantage of history in neighborhood is diminished when entering the store. Specific interior improvements are recommended: Organize products in more orderly fashion Purchase a POS system to determine which products are high sales and high profit Remove one row of shelving in center to provide more space for DME products Create a waiting area with close proximity to prescriptions, but far enough away to promote grazing for products Provide a service area for copy, fax and mailing items to add additional services to the store to promote additional customer destination Improve Wine and Food department. Add more decorative shelving units for Wine and Snacks to create a shop within a shop Create a clothing area with appropriate fixtures to promote sale of clothing Obtain a Plan O Gram from Good Neighbor Pharmacy to layout products on shelf Obtain POP displays to highlight products on display with specials from manufacturers Use Rexall logo to create new style identity and branding to use with menu, signage and advertising, Keep Rexall presence, competition is strong in neighborhood, it is a very competitive advantage Change interior paint color, create new image with color scheme on inside. Add new vinyl flooring in retail store space- color coordinated Conley Design Studio Dale Cassen Education Complex
Existing floor plan conley design studio 4/21/2017 Dale Cassen Education Complex
New Improvements New Wall covering New Ceiling Lights Change Wainscot conley design studio 4/21/2017 New Improvements Conley Design Studio New Wall covering New Ceiling Lights Change Wainscot Dale Cassen Education Complex
View showing New Improvements conley design studio 4/21/2017 View showing New Improvements NEW CLOTHING AREA NEW COPY –FAX- MAIL CENTER NEW WINE AND SNACK AREA NEW COLD BEVERAGE AREA NEW WAITING AREA NEW DIABETIC SALES AREA Conley Design Studio Dale Cassen Education Complex
Schematic View From Pharmacy Counter conley design studio 4/21/2017 new store layout Conley Design Studio Schematic View From Pharmacy Counter Dale Cassen Education Complex
conley design studio 4/21/2017 Conley Design Studio Dale Cassen Education Complex
Budget Recommendations conley design studio 4/21/2017 Budget Recommendations Budget Estimate for Rexall Pharmacy New Slat wall -Free Standing Displays(3) $ 1600.00 New Slat wall -Wall mounted $ 1200.00 Clothing Display Boards and Accessories $ 2500.00 Wine Display Shelving $ 2500.00 Reorganization of product on shelves consulting $ 1500.00 Installation and set up of new fixture displays $ 1800.00 Installation of graphics and signage $ 900.00 Subtotal Phase 1 $12,000.00 Consulting services for interior improvements to existing business, business operation and merchandising. Interview owner, review business program for grant application. Field measure and design layout for interior furniture, bar and patio. Create renderings for review, create package for submission to CRA, create budget summary, coordination of contractors and purchasing of new products. $ 3,000.00 Total Phase 1 $ 15,000.00 Phase 2 New Paint above shelving and soffits $ 5,000.00 New Flat Screen TV with customized loop $ 1,600.00 New Carpet Tiles- 300 sq ft $ 8,000.00 New custom counters and shelving in Copy Area $ 9,000.00 Labor for Drywall and carpentry ( Estimated) $ 5,000.00 New Signage over Copy Print Fax area $ 1,000.00 POS System $ 3,000.00 Subtotal Phase 2 $32,600.00 All items subject to Florida State Sales Tax and any local delivery Charges. This is for budget estimate only and subject to change. Prices are quoted for 30 days Conley Design Studio Dale Cassen Education Complex