The wind energy sails ships. During (1600 – 1700) Netherlands became rich en powerful when they establish trading with the help of sailing ships that could go all over the world. Previously the wind was an indispensable tool for water transport. In Holland there was many rivers en big lakes but the windmills pump the water away to the sea and keep the ground dry. Otherwise Holland would really be under water.
Without wind you can’t surf, fly kites or ride on the wind buggy! See how powerfull wind can be.
How windturbines works is similer to the bicycle dynamo. How harder you cycle how faster the top of the dynamo spins and the light wil go on. The energy in the wind turns propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity.
When electricity using wind turbines are not harmful substances. And wind will always blow. This energy source is clean and inexhaustible, in short: sustainable. Fossil sources of energy such as natural gas and coal, are not - which ultimately become. Near the burning of natural gas for electricity generation, is also the greenhouse gas CO2. The enhanced greenhouse effect that this is due, brings all kinds of climate changes. That can be harmful to all life on earth. It will also bring to the combustion of natural gas nitrogen oxides and sulfur free. Which cause acid rain.
The wind turbines are more than 35 meters high
I remember one time when I was going in one direction facing the wind to Kijkduin and it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get to my destination. later I turned around with the wind on my back and I came back home in less than one hour!!! You try it!!
clean energy is that the environment is not polluted by bad air. The electric turbines are sure as the wind blows then turns the rotor blade and energy. Some of the windturbines are at the water side because their the wind comes first before it reaches the land.
In the Netherlands wind energy is a clean technology which earns to repay himself rapidly. wind turbines arouse energy without expelling detrimental substances thereby. Production, processing and eventual evacuation of the construction material ensure, however, emission, but has been examined that very low concerning the whole life span, compared to other energy technologies. The energy which is necessary for the construction of a wind turbine, on country or on sea, has been earned to repay in three up to six months turbinegebruik. On a life span of twenty years a wind turbine produces so much energy therefore to eighty times such as necessary is there produce one. Disadvantage is, however, that wind energy is not ongoing available. wind turbines cannot you also zomaar everywhere put down, because they confiscate so much space and have influence on the landscape.
the park exists from 60 wind turbines with everyone a capacity of 2 megawatts. According to the expectations the wind park will produce an annual saving of 153,000,000 m3 natural gas. This corresponds to emissiereductie of approximately 256,000 barrels CO2. The wind park is an important technical step forward. For the first time a large park on the Dutch continental plat is realised in water of more than 20 meters. With that large-scale wind energy in a justified manner a fact has become. Large-scale wind energy on sea gives less embarrassment and is better inpasbaar than on the country. Moreover the mills are placed outside the bird routes and are not them visible as from the coast.