The objective of this presentation is to provide an on-the-job reference for pharmacy technicians, instructors and other authorized pharmacy users. This presentation is designed to assist the user with the effective use of the Pharmacy RX Trainer application in the educational setting. It is assumed that the user has some navigational familiarity with computer applications and a good working knowledge of their business processes pertaining to the processing of filling prescriptions. Information within this document, including screenshot images, is current as of the date of preparation. Any differences noted between this document and the current version of the Pharmacy RX Trainer application is due to modifications and enhancements made after this document was prepared. Objective of this Presentation © 2009 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC
Pharmacy RX Trainer is a web based application that can be used with an internet connection and appropriate log-in codes. In order for Pharmacy RX Trainer to function properly, the user must have internet access on their computer. No additional client software is required to access or use Pharmacy RX Trainer. Hardware and Software Requirements for Pharmacy RX Trainer Users © 2009 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC
The Search Function On the patient information screen, the user can enter a last name or a prescription number and click “Search” button to find a patient. © 2009 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC
The Search Function If the application finds a matching last name it will display the patient information.
Adding a Patient If no matching patient records are found, at this point, the user can add a new patient record to the database. Fill in all demographic data. Last name, First name, DOB Known Allergies address and phone numbers. © 2009 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC
Adding a Patient Then enter any insurance information you have. Be sure to add your pharmacy’s information. Since this is an educational product most of this information will be made up. Ask the patient if they prefer easy open caps. Save all of the information to the profile by clicking save.
Entering a New Prescription Click on outpatient Prescriptions. Click “Add Prescription” The system will automatically prompt you to add a provider. © 2009 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, LLC
Entering a New Prescription Click on the provider information tab and click “Add Provider” Add a provider or doctor. Fill in name, address and phone number. Then click on save to store the information.
Entering a New Prescription Return to outpatient prescriptions and click “Add Prescription” Choose the doctor, drug, daw, verb, qty, form route, frequency, how much to dispense, date written, date filled expiration date and refills.
Entering a New Prescription Once completed hit submit. You will be taken to the patient’s history of outpatient prescriptions. To go back and view the prescription click on the prescription id number. To add another prescription click add prescription. To view and print the label click select under Preview/Print label.
Printing the Label Click select under Preview/Print label. Open the Pdf file. Be sure you have the proper label paper in your printer. You can purchase labels through PharmeXscript ( ) Print the label and attach instruction label on bottle, vial or bag. Attach one of the two labels on right hand side to the prescription and keep as a hard copy in your pharmacy lab. Fold the drug monograph in half and staple it to the bag so that you can see the Patient’s name. Store the prescription in alphabetized bins in your pharmacy lab. Complete same process for Inpatient prescriptions.
Printing Other Labels Unit Dose, Pre-Pack, and Blank Labels and can be found under the Labels and Table Maintenance tab. Depending on your school’s pharmacy lab and your instructor’s preference you can use this section to fill unit dose orders, pre-package fast moving drugs or use a blank label to accommodate learning needs. Under this section you may also add units and wards to the database. Under this section you may also add to the formulary of drugs so that instruction can be geared towards individual lab needs.
Adding to the Formulary This feature is unique because it will allow students and instructors to add to the formulary of drugs in the system. Not every educational setting will use the same drugs and many will have collected different drug bottles to use in training. Having the freedom to enter the drugs displayed and used in your pharmacy lab will further enhance your learning experience! To add a new drug to the formulary go to the Labels and Maintenance tab and click on Add to Formulary.
Adding to the Formulary Type in the Brand Name of the drug you are adding. Type in the Generic Name of the drug you are adding. Type in the Package size (for example 100 for 100 tablets). Locate the NDC number on your drug bottle and type it in to the NDC field. Locate the Manufacturer from the bottle and type it in to the Manufacturer field. Click save. If you make a mistake or you have several drugs that have different manufacturers you can use the edit function to add or make corrections.