Bone and Joint Injury
2 Types ◦ Open ◦ Closed S&S ◦ Deformity ◦ Limited movement ◦ Pain ◦ Swelling/Discoloratio n ◦ Protrusion (open) Tx ◦ Splint ◦ Limit movement ◦ Watch ABC’s / Shock
End of bone displaced from the joint S&S ◦ Deformity ◦ Pain/Swelling ◦ Bruising ◦ Unequal length Tx ◦ Do NOT reposition ◦ Immobilize joint ◦ ER
Least severe Injury to tissue around a joint Ligaments / tendons are stretched or torn Common sites = ankle, knee, wrist S&S ◦ Swelling/Pain ◦ Bruising Tx ◦ Apply cold (20/20) ◦ Elevation ◦ Rest ◦ Support device
Least severe Overstretching a muscle Common site = back S&S ◦ Sudden pain ◦ Possible bruising Tx ◦ Rest (most important) Mild – 3 to 5 days Severe – 2 weeks ◦ Cold (within 24h) ◦ Heat (qd)
Leg Splint – Wilderness Hand or Arm Splint Arm or Wrist Splint - Soft