Did someone say Music? November 7, 2011
Adding MUSIC to a web page: 1. Find your music! 2. A good website is 3. You will need to download the music to a file. Remember to save it to same place as your page.
Add your coding! The code is as follows: Put the name of the music file here!
For Today: Access the Internet. Go to and download a song to your desktop or you can try to look for a TV show theme. Go to and download a scary picture. I choose the Addams Family. You pick a picture. If you forgot the coding take a look on the other side of this sheet. Open Notepad. Enter your basic tags for a web page. Enter your coding for music. Save your page as an html document. Open your web page. Do you hear music? That’s it! You did it!
You did it!
Your Assignment: Search the Internet for hints and tips on using music in your website. Try to find at least three web sites that will give you helpful information about using music in your web site. Develop your own web page that will teach students on how to use Music in their web page. Show what hints and tips you have learned when searching the internet. Reference the three web sites that you have use in #1 on your page. Don’t forget to put music on your page. Save your work to a disk. Turn in your disk for credit! Due by Wednesday.