Publix Super Markets, Inc. Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Ordinance Public Hearing: Orange County Board of County Commissioners June 30, 2015
Publix Super Markets, Inc. Pharmacy Distribution Center 67 New Jobs 115% of the Average Wage in Orange County $15,600,000 Capital lnvestment Job Functions Include; Warehouse Staff, Technicians, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Sales Project Overview
10+ jobs : New full-time jobs with wages higher than area average in manufacturing or “Target industry business” 25 +Jobs:New full-time jobs with more than 50% sales outside of Florida and net increase in employment/ output/sales of at least 10%; or Enterprise/ Brownfield:increases operations on-site located within the same zone co-located with a commercial or industrial operation owned by the same business Eligible Expansions of Existing Business
Property Tax Exemption Board Guidelines *Lowest number is determining factor LevelYearsAbatement % Jobs (Manufactu ring or QTI) Jobs (Business that sells more than 50% of goods outside of MSA) Jobs (New Business owning new office space) Capital InvestmentAvg. Wage Brownfield or Enterprise Zone Avg. Wage 1550%102550$200,000115%100% 2750% $500,000150%100% 3775% $1,000,000150%100% 41075% $10,000,000200%100% $25,000,000200%100% % $50,000,000200%100%
50% Exemption for 5 Years Total Revenue Available to County for Current Fiscal Year - $399,760,603 Estimate of Revenue Lost During Current Fiscal Year if Exemption is Granted - $59,438* Estimate of Taxable Value Lost - $13,402,934 Estimated Value of Exemption to Publix - $133,229 Recommendation
Requested Action Approval of an Ordinance of Orange County, Florida relating to taxation; granting an economic development exemption from certain ad valorem taxation for Publix Super Markets, Inc. Approval of Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Agreement between Orange County and Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Publix Super Markets, Inc. Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Ordinance Public Hearing: Orange County Board of County Commissioners June 30, 2015